i shouldnt have go cut my fringe.
i look so gong now.
why everytime after i cut my fringe, i will regret?
- today is deepavali vesak day. my calender is all mixed up. lol
picking up the pieces
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
one is 40. the other is 38. yes. they are young.
and having young parents aint so good after all.
one still behaves like a young adult.
pubs, partying and shoppings are her favourites.
for the other, the more family-oriented one,
a simple and contented life will do.
their lifestyle clashes.
and they start quarrelling.
the cold war starts.
and my life will start to suffer.
yikes. when will they start talking to each other this time round?
life hasnt been going smoothly for me.
- kailin is starting to get very emo.
okay. i think the song sounds very weird here.
but i still think the song is nice. lol.
even though i dont understand cantonese.
but gonna meet up for project at rac's house...
i wanna watch shrek 3!
- projects are just parts and parcels of life.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
FMAH is crap. revaluation deficit. what was i thinking. lol
MICE was okay. i think we did our best already. for now, it's up to ronald to decide our marks.
is the word "No" so hard to say?
there's so many things going through my mind right now.
but i know, i will be able to figure it out..
- ulcer ulcer when are you going to disappear
Saturday, May 26, 2007
my lips are super sensitive. besides being allergic to mangoes and jackfruits, i am "allergic" to hot weather! actually, partly is my fault. haha. i dint drink enough water for the past few days and my lips started to crack. when it started cracking, i still dint drink enough water, so the sores started coming out to play!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
i am very sad, cause i keep bumping my head nowadays.
a few days back, i bumped against the roof of the car while getting out. PAIN.
on the same day, i bumped my head against the edge of the metal thing that stores toilet paper in the public toilet. EVEN MORE PAIN.
yesterday, while i was folding the edge of my jeans outside the door of the cubicle where my mum was in, my mum pushed open the damn door and the knob knocked against my head hard. I WANNA DIE ALR.
if this continue, i think i will go crazzzzzzzy.
watched pirates 3 yesterday. VERY NICE!! captain jack and that monkey are still as cute as ever. but, i dont like the ending la.. why must he and she be separated.. eeek.
gonna go do my IHRO and TBR elearning alr. byebye.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
went to Plaza Sing's Mac to meet up with my RWPS mates. sat there from around 12pm till around 5pm doing our project.
went over to Meritus Mandarin Hotel later on to ask about our IHRO's project and we were rejected. the manager on duty said that if we want to enter into their counter to look at their front office's procedures and stuffs, we would have to go through their human resource department. on top of that, we will need a letter of authorization from our school and have to go through many many other things as well. walao. i forsee that we will meet a lot of rejections later on. it's like which hotel will allow us to observe their front office's operations just like that?
went to Cine's kBox later on. sorry, Fantastic 4, to be so sao xing. damn shy lah. hahahah. i promise to sing more in the future k. lol
and after that home sweet home already.
pirates of the caribbean 3 later! :)
- i like the quietness of the nights
Thursday, May 17, 2007
next week elearning week!
though there's a lot of stuffs to do during elearning week,
it's good in a way that i dont have to go school everyday.. hahaha.
after elearning, it would be FMAH CA already..
RWPS project
- tally and crosstab results
- presentation
- week 8 : thursday
TBR project
- report
- week 7 : monday
MICE project
- get ready to interview SB director
- week 7 / 8
GEMS project
- report + presentation
- week 7 / 8 ?
IHRO project
- search for hotel for attachment
- interview 1 senior hotel staff
- write report
- do video
- week 13 : friday
i think i better get some sleep now while i still can.
busy weeks ahead.
off to do my tutorials already..
<‡¡NG²> ŠîšTëR‘S LöÙÈ =) Sîstérs FòßèveR956.. says:
howdareubullshit with ourpic
<‡¡NG²> ŠîšTëR‘S LöÙÈ =) Sîstérs FòßèveR956.. says:
make until black black
kailin. says:
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
busy and tiring day
slept at around 2.45am last night.
it took me 3 long hours to complete the finance tutorial..
by the time i prepared my script for TBR, it was already 1 plus.
hand-itchy. go do SPSS.
took me another one and a half hour more.
woke up at 6 plus for TBR rehearsal.
fell asleep standing in the train to school.
leann told me she's sick of her s.e cybershot phone.
school was dismissed at 1.
went to Orchard Road to collect the surveys from my relative,
before going off to tuition my cousin.
my cousin was bullied in school.
her friend laughed at her results.
i am super stress now..
reached home around 6 plus.
bought otahs from the auntie at the bus-stop.
kena cheated.
6 for $2 and the otahs are like mini-sized.
tabulating the results for RWPS..
not feeling very nice right now.
very frustrated. lol.
- control yourself
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Case 1
Q7. What are the reasons for your choice(s) in Q6? (You may tick more than one)
- Nice interior design
- Good shopping ambience
- Great accessibility
- Wide variety of shops
- Facilities in good condition
- Excellent customer service
- Others (please specify): Singaporean still need inproved in service… I can smile better then them.. ASK THEM GO WORK IN FACTORY …
Case 2
Q9. What are the reasons for your choice(s) in Q8?
- Poor lighting
- Poor condition of facilities
- Limited variety of shops
- Poor customer service
- Poor accessibility
- Others (please specify): fights take place
still got a lot of other funny funny comments. too sensitive to write in here le. hahahahha.
Friday, May 11, 2007
today was a horrible yet fabulous day.
after school, sinhui and me, dragging our heavy bags, went to Orchard Road to give out our TBR surveys to tourists. we spent 2-3 hours there and managed to fill up only 12 forms each. damn tiring lah. some of the tourists have just only arrived in singapore for 2 hours and they were already approached by us to do the survey. some were very nice people. willing to spare us some of their time to fill in our survey though our survey form was pretty long. haha.
after that went off to meet yujia at jurong library to study. collated some of the survey results and went off to meet ting at IMM for dinner. ate at ajisen. when the three of us are together, we never fail to laugh out loud and disgrace ourselves in public. laughed all the way from dinner till the time we parted.. love them lots. :)
till the next time we meet again,
i will miss your loads. lol
okay. gotta go do some TBR already. project meeting tml.
- doeyoubullshitwifmi.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
TBR lecture was quite weird today.
the lecturer flared up after my friend's hp rang.
my friend apologised and she asked my friend to get out. -.-
but i think she is quite okay.
at least during tutorials, she teaches better.
i think i will die without the TBR textbook.
i dont know what the heck is TCL or TCP.
i dont know what has this got to do with tourists' motivation process.
so lost lah.
going to sleep alr.
tml lesson starting at 8am!!
- prays hard that my cousin will do well for her last paper.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
my cousin said that her maths paper was very difficult and she dint know how to solve most of the problem sums.
i am so going to lose my only job. :(
there's so many stuffs to complete..
TBR project, plus upcoming IHRO and RWPS..
and my FMAH tutorial..
and i've been sleeping pretty early nowadays. haha.
random note: think fast.
- i was xian gu today.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
went to watch spiderman 3 yesterday with my mum and sis.
luckily my mum booked the tickets online on sunday already.
cause when we reached there around 2.15pm, there wasnt any seats avaliable for spiderman 3, except the one that's at 11pm.
the movie was okay, to me la.
very few fighting scenes. a lot of talking scenes.
next on my movie list would be pirates of the carribean 3. :)
our smart-casual-wear rule started today.
went to Lot 1 with pinghan to check out the part-timer jobs.
suki sushi's starting pay is at $4.50 and their minimum requirement is 4 days per week.
we still think thaiexpress would be better.
at least our pay is more than that and the time is super flexible.
but i am still considering whether to continue working. haha.
had sushi buffet for dinner and met up with him again later to run and play badminton.
went to CCK's stadium but due to some circumstances, we ended in some ulu ulu walkway.
dint manage to run, so played for awhile before heading home.
i still haven bathe. yea.
still waiting for my sweat to evaporate.
formal wear tml.
anyone's excited?