Wednesday, February 08, 2006


so torn apart between poly and jc now.. especially after reading the straits times. it mentioned that for a poly student, who chose to study overseas, would normally take around 4 years to get himself a diploma and a degree but for a jc student, it would take 5 years. it also said something about a guy's experience, saying that initially, he chose to take the jc route. However, after the promotional exam, his results were either Cs and Ds. Then, he decided to head for poly, saying that he has wasted 1 year.

yep. so that reminds me of myself. i have am already beginning to dislike gp now. i have no interest in it lo. wonder how am i going to pass the exams in this way. besides, i am becoming more and more slack liao. lol. everything push to last minute one.. can hack one, then i hack. haha. if this continues, i sure die one. lol. how to cope with jc life !?

but then, it brings me back to think about the future if i take the poly route. what courses shall i take? and do i have enough financial support to allow me to study overseas, if i did not make it into the local universities? and most importantly, what will my parents think?

hai. dunno what to do now.. left about 3-5 more days to decide? haha. i know i am kiasu.. but cant help it la.. a few days aint enough for me to think about this problem one. lol.

AND i still dunno whether i should pon tml or not. its like if i pon and i chose to take the poly route, this would probably be the last day of my JC life. its like so sad lor. lol. will miss my present classmates one lo. but then tml ends at 5.40 lo. still got 2.5 hrs of physics practical. dont feel like coming at all.

hai. sadded la. so many things need to decide. arugh.