Wednesday, February 08, 2006

muahaha.. today dismissed at 12.10. lol. loved mr bryan lim seh.. now in the sch library.. waiting for SHUJUAN, XINYI and TINGTING. again, they must be feeling so honored.. =) sian. nothing to do seh. not planning to study for econs test, since i am not going to sch tml. -.-. no econs test, no homework, no pe, no 2.5 physics practical. lol. oh ya, innova gave us the day off on friday. so we DONT have to report to school. cheers.

should i go to poly or jc? one thing i like about poly is that it does not have general paper. i DISLIKE general paper. lol. haha. but then, it would be hard to enter the uni seh. need to be damn hardworking lor.. besides, i still haven think of what courses to take if i am taking the poly route. business? engineering? life sciences? hai... ....