Wednesday, May 31, 2006

feeling blue today.

i miss my frens. really hope to meet up with them soon.

- i wonder

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


presented our marketing project today. finally, finally, its over liao. at least for now. hahaahha. yeah. and econs too. everybody passed the test. haha.

feeling tired still.. have already planned what to do for e-learning week and the hols liao. haha. cant wait for them to come.. three more days and -happynewyear-.

- TP, AP, MP, PPPPPPP -.-? ..

Monday, May 29, 2006


this is the first time i am feeling so so so tired ever since poly started.. haha. did the marketing project all the way from 2 plus to 7 continuously. do until all our face also turn green green. we were so hungry and tired.. hope everything goes well smoothly tml. spent a hell lot of time on this project loh.. dont even have the energy to type liao. lol.

- speech ; memorise.

muahahahah. luckily there's no character development tml, which means we can use the time to do our marketing project. hahahaah.

visited my grandma just now. she's getting better but she was pretty bored over there. there's nothing she can do lah. and she's not allowed to discharge yet. sad. gonna visit her more often..

sian. haven finish my first meeting template and the powerpoint..

Saturday, May 27, 2006

arugh. super tired..

woke up at 10 this morning.. supposed to meet meijun they all at angmokio at 10.15 for marketing project. i was the one who initiated the time yet i was late. haha. sorry. yeah. so reached there around 11.15.. then we started to chiong for our marketing project.

-peng-. from 11 plus do until 7 plus still haven finish. OMG. its brain-consuming. my brain juice all dried up liao. haha. left a bit of here and there and we are all done. -cheers-

- sad lah. cant visit my grandma at the hospital today..

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

today's marketing nite..

tomorrow's economics nite..


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

today is a very memorable day. hahahaha.

its the first time that i am doing my marketing project with understanding and knowing what i am looking for and heading towards to. haha. initially, we were so damn stressed up and everything just seems to be so complicated. but dont know why, suddenly -DING!- we were enlightened and everything just seems to flow smoothly after that. hhaah.

- finally, dont have to spend hours thinking and researching on the project aimlessly again. hahaha.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

nothing much to blog about these few days..


went to orchard with S.H.E. actually planned to eat sakae at holland village but in the end, we overshot the bus-stop and end up in orchard. had pastamania. i ordered the "creamy chicken".. it is EXTREMELY creamy. the first few bites were ok. but for the next few, i had difficulties swallowing it. feel like vomiting. almost left half of the food unfinished. =/. after that went to walk around. saw quite a number of trendy clothes in far east plaza, which made them thought of poor abigail. hahah. reached home at 8 and continued with my ITB powerpoint presentation.


went for pool after school with some of my classmates at jurong east. tong and szegee were SUPER pro. played for around one hour plus before going home..


last day of work. worked from 12-6. quite busy though. at 5, there's this gorup which consists of 25 people coming in. 25 PEOPLE. OMG.i thought i heard wrongly. they must have broken the record of the number of customers per group for ps thaiexpress. lol. after work, accompanied yumei to wait for her queue number in the motorola shop to repair her phone. waited from 6 till 7.45.. walked around for awhile before taking neoprints. the machine sucks lah. the time given was so short and the prints turned out to be super big. saddening. after that went to catch "over the hedge" at causeway with my mum and sis. haha. the show was funny.. reached home around 12 and came online..


suddenly rememebered that i have lots of things yet to be completed.. research on marketing, econs tutorial, accounts tutorial and also to study a bit for econs or else i will cannot-make-it.. hmmm. think that's all.

- i want to watch x-men III

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

there was econs tutorial today. the teacher gave us this revision worksheet which i realise that i couldnt do most of the questions. oh man. i need to BUCKUP BUCKUP. econs ca1 next week!!!

after school, went to drop in the form for CSCC, after which they gave me an interview. was ok, as compared to effective communication oral test. i think i was more panic during that. dint do well for the language part. LOL. used too much SINGLISH.

after that went to the guildhouse to play pool with jacelyn and yinzi. !!! BIG mistake. LOL. paid 6.50 for the game and the moment we walked in through that door, we were like -wooops-. the people there were mostly guys. they were like so pro. we felt so awkard, so funny. got people even looked at us. LOL. then we start to be "afraid". afraid to take cues, afraid to set the balls, afraid to play, afraid of this, afraid of that. LOL. felt so help-less. wanted to ask more people to join us, but they were all involved in other events. then we thought of refunding, so i went down to "negotiate" with the uncle. haha. but too bad, cant refund. so went up again. this time, we DIE DIE also must play. so dots. there was this person who even helped us to set the balls. haha. so throw face. but then, later got the hang of it liao. yinzi was damn pro. LOL. anway, wonderful experience.

shall go complete my ITB powerpoint liao..

Sunday, May 14, 2006


-accounts is making me go woolala.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

ARRRRRRRUGHHHHHHHHH. i hate marketing.

i dont understand marketing at all. i am still walking around in circles and not grasping the concepts yet and we are suppose to present our project on tuesday. Creative VS Apple and strategies to improve Creative's current situation. this is so irritating. almost killed half of my brain cells while just plainly deciding what to research on. ARUGH.

one good news. at least we finished our character development project. WOOHOO!

well, make that two. another good news would be we are going on a cruise very soon. hahaha. however, we are not going there to enjoy ourselves BUT to do project and to present it during the cruise. -.-!!! LOL. i wonder how many people pay money to go on cruise to do project. this is so saddening. on the third night, we will also be having dinner with the captain. the dress code would be formal. and this means i have to fret over what to wear again. T.T.

saw shujuan and met ting at lot 1 today. they two nothing better to do. lol. shujuan asked me to help her pass some things to ting. and i was suppose to meet ting to pass the things to her today. in the end, they just happened to bump into each other today too. hahaha. but never mind lah. at least get to see shujuan and know how she is doing now. she looks happy. hahaha. kept on talking about innova, bowling and her class. lol. after that we arranged to meet again tomorrow for bowling and pool, together with yujia. it would be like one of those good old days again. that would be fun. =D.

` friends are for life.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


had effective communciation test today. chose the topic which discusses about how people are obessed with beauty. so, just blabbered on and on. 90% of it are craps to me. gonna score badly for this oral test.. never mind. its over anyway.

- i am tired. tired of everything. hope things will improve.

Friday, May 05, 2006

List of things to be completed:

- accounts tutorial
- statistics tutorial
- character development powerpoint
- marketing research
- ITB powerpoint
- econs tutorial
- student portfolio

this isnt gonna be a nice weekend after all. on top of that, there's work on saturday and sunday.. =/


Thursday, May 04, 2006

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


went to plazasing thaiexpress to have my dinner just now, with yumei, aaron, kelvin, coco, pinghan and kaya. had pineapple rice and avocado milkshake. the food was nice, but the serving was a bit too large so dint manage to finish it. well, we sat there and talked/crapped/laughed for the next 3 hours.. thaiexpress treated us to red bean dessert and thai red rubies ice-cream. HOHO. red bean dessert is nicccceee!

after that went to pay the bill. it costs around $164 before the 20% discount. so after discount, we only had to pay $17 each. yeaps. BUT kaya refused to take $7. she insisted on treating us. she's so generous, eh. hahah. yep. thanks for the treat!!! next time it would be our turn to treat you. haha.

after that took the train home. surprisingly, today's ride was much shorter than the previous ones. haha. reached home and here i am blogging..

`yeah. bought my thumbdrive today.

fellow thaiexpress-ionists

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


List of things to do today:

- econs tutorial
- econs tutorial
- econs tutorial
- econs tutorial
- econs tutorial
- econs tutorial
- econs tutorial
- econs tutorial

` i dont like econs tutorial. very complicated. answers very long.

Monday, May 01, 2006

i cant believe i am so dumb and freaking blur.

just now, while i was bathing happily, i suddenly thought of something -- the scholarship and the amount of money i can take IF i got it. then i thought of all the forms i handed in and suddenly


i saw myself handing in my original certificates of achievement to the clerk in SP!!!!!!!!!!!!

then i PANIC. i really PANIC. i almost got a heart attack. i thought of the forms. i thought of my future. i thought of how stupid i am. what if i need the forms in the future? why am i so stupid to not go and photocopy them? i thought of the consequences and i almost died panicking.

i ran all over my study room. digging for my certs. hoping and praying that i was wrong. BUT BUT BUT i couldnt find it!!!! T.T

last resort - i went to ask my mum. i was praying so hard that she will not blow her top and start screaming at how stupid i am.

and guess what .

she went to her cupboard and took out a file. i flipped opened it and there, staring right at my face, my original testimonial. and i flipped. my cert showing the community services. and i flipped. all my original certs are there, nicely laminated. and i look up at my mum to see her giving me this weird look, as if i have gone mad all of a sudden.

this will teach me a lesson -- check before u panic.

down. down. down.