Wednesday, July 12, 2006

wah. finally. FREEDOM. after so many days of torture of not being able to sleep early, missing out a lot of tv shows, no time to blahblahblah. hhahah.

we finally submitted in our golden CA2 marketing report just now. so proud of ourselves. :D. though our report may look abit shuibian as compared to the rest, the quality is there alright. hahah.

had effective communication test just now. realised that beside my chinese, which is deproving tremendously, as seen from my everyday life, my english is not any better. its been a long time since i last wrote a composition.. nvm. its over already.

there's econs test tml after school. AND, mr chin-chin gonna be absent tml which means school gonna starts at 1 and ends at 3. LOL! speaking of econs test, i am feeling damn guilty right now, for not teaching elisha. -guilty. guilty. guilty.- taught him elasticity just now with jessy. i almost taught him the wrong concepts. walao. guess i have to recap everything again. -.-. but, that can wait. there would be plenty of time tml morning.

planned to watch tv all nite. hahaha. cscc connection camp this weekend. suddenly dont feel like going. with marketing project and account test and huge amount of catching up to do, i am not in the mood for any camp. sian. gonna join the cya thingy. looks interesting, able to meet all kinds of people in the airport.

gonna go prepare for my tv marathon liao. byebye.

- super super guilty. how.