Friday, September 08, 2006


i think this year i got "shuai zai". my phone drowned again the second time. but this time was during work when the cup accidentally toppled over, pouring water into the pocket of my apron where my phone lies. now, whenever i press the key "1", "2" or "3", my phone will automatic shut down. oh man. god please bless my phone.

BUT , i am still quite happy today. :D met ting and yujia for lunch today. went to ps crystal jade before heading off to gelare for dessert. yums. and they bought me a gift !! which was super duper ultra nice.. :D it's the best gift ever. thanks tingting , yujia and shujuan ! yah. so here 's a few photos of my beloved present. :D

nicely wrapped


"ferris-wheel" photo frame

double-sided frames
and there ! they even put the photos inside for me!! :D

yeap. haha. i fell in love with this ferris-wheel photo frame the moment i lay my eyes on it. it's awesome. lol.

ok. meeting guowei and frens tml for redcross community service project. shall go prepare to sleep now. nite everyone ! :D

- they really brighten up my day .