Tuesday, September 26, 2006

woo. today's the second day of school already. haha.

sch was alright for this two days. a few new modules, which include principles of tourism and hospitality (PTH), geography of global tourism (GGT) and organisational managament (OM) and so far, no tutorials yet. haha.

i think i will like PTH alot. lol. it seems fun, judging from the powerpoint slides and on top of that, i heard from my classmates that there would be another overseas trip organised for us next year. lol. but this time, we would be going to australia. :D. lol. fun !

as for GGT, we got an angmoh lecturer. he's quite crappy and nice lah. dont think i will fall asleep in his class. lol. and he showed us this google thingy which fascinated me sia. you can almost visit anywhere on this earth in just a couple of clicks. haha.

yeap and for GEMS, i chose personal financial planning. had my first lesson today. it wasnt as boring as what i think it would be. haha.

hmmm. in another two weeks time, it would be our CA liao. fast rite. haha. hope the rest of the week would be ok. yeap. that's all. shall update another time. byebye.

- it's wasting my money.