Wednesday, November 29, 2006

have been drinking lots of nescafe coffee for the last few days to help me stay awake throughout the days and at nights. only managed to get around 4 to 5 hours of sleep. haha. feel as if i am taking the Os all over again.. =(

went to visit ahma, a chef working in ThaiExpress, at TKKH today after school. she was being admitted into the hospital and undergone an operation four days ago due to her gastric problems. she looks super fragile and weak lah even though beeleng said that she looked so much better as compared to the last time she visited her. she is still having difficulties in breathing and the side effects of the medicine are adding on to her sufferings. sometimes, she will feel like throwing up and whenever she tries to cough or throw up, her wounds would hurt like hell. feel damn sad sia. bet she misses her family in Thailand lots. really really hope that she can get well soon and continue to cook those delicious food for our staff meals again.

reached home around 11 plus and i felt super tired.. the next few days would be really crazy i think. busy rushing through projects and some cca stuffs. eeks. two weeks : four presentations and one reading programme.. zzZZ. gonna go do my stuffs liao. nights.

- a shoulder to lean on

Sunday, November 26, 2006

busy week.

-sometimes i feel like stopping whatever i am doing and play for the rest of my life.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

- ponned statistics cause i was late for 15 minutes
- went to library with leann to do IDEAS
- first field trip to a hotel --> swissotel merchant court
- bus ride was fun
- the hotel has 476 rooms and nice scenery
- they are looking for part-time workers
- maybe gonna work there during the long hols (if i got selected lah)
the spotlight is on the three people behind

- give your best ;

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

before MST : abit slack slack
during MST: stressssed
after MST: super hectic and stresssssed

i keep having the mentality that after MST, we could enjoy and relax ourselves. but i dont think so liao, esp with IDEAS. we are only given one bloody week to produce a 3-D model of the product and to come up with a 20-minute presentation. -____-

eeek. projects can really make one mad.

- IDEAS , GGT , OM , CRS reading programme , tutorials , overseas fund-raising ; look on the bright side [ zi wo an wei ] - there are perhaps many people out there who are even more stressed and super more busy than me.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

i am super tired now. haha.

today was huili's event. we went to ChenSuLan's Home to interact and play with the small kids and to help them put up some decorations for Christmas. the person-in-charge gave us a short tour around the home before leaving us with the kids. omg. they a bunch of super active and energetic kids. lol. played "catching" with some of them and they can run super fast lah. run until i wanna die. hahaha. got to know a kid named xiuling. very cute and nice lah. after that did some cutting for their stage props before going off..

gtg liao. going to stay overnight at my grandma's house tonight. haha. no deathnote anime. T.T

- another fun and meaningful day

Friday, November 17, 2006

HAHAHAHAHA !!! finally, both the bazaar and the tests are over... :D

now that the exams are finally over, it's playtime. gonna rest and slack till monday before preparing myself for the busy school-days ahead.

and before i forget, THANKS to everyone who had supported the bazaar, especially huili and krayon who came down almost everyday to visit the stall, and the cscc people.

- off to study deathnote. :D !

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

i hate theory questions.

- GGT Statistics Accounts OM PTH

Monday, November 13, 2006

this is so depressing. studied for GGT and i think i will still do quite badly for it. sian.

opening of bazaar !! the goods arrived late. and the variety of goods are quite limited. looked after the stall from 2pm-6pm. very bored ahhhhh. pple, feel free to call me every afternoon from today onwards. lol. hope uncle leow would be able to replenish the stocks tml..

and last but not least, i hope statistics would not be as depressing as GGT. at least give me smth to be happy about lah..

- haaaaiiii.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

good luck to everyone out there for the upcoming tests.

- i hope nothing from india nor nepal comes out tml.

Friday, November 10, 2006


today while i was walking towards the mrt station with my mum, two guys approached us and wanted us to help them with a survey or something. so this was what happened ...

my mum was walking in front of me and stopped by guy #1

guy #1 : hello! today friday nite rite ?
mum : no lah. saturday nite.
guy #1 : huh. i must be working too hard.
(and she quickly walked off)

and while this was taking place in front of me, i was being approached by guy #2

guy 2 : hey !! u look familiar. i surveyed you before rite ?
me : o.O where got. never leh.
guy 2 : (looks at my band camp t-shirt) u still schooling ah?
me : (never reply and trying to walk away as quickly as possible)
guy 2 : (points at my mum) ur classmate studying with you ah?
me : (silently cursing) no lah !
guy 2 : nan dao she is ur mother meh.
me : YAH LAH .
(walked away super fast)

on the mrt

me : you know just now that guy that approached me rite, he thought you my classmate.
mum : har. really ah. (smiling away)
me : i really that old meh ?
mum : no lah. is i too pretty.
me : -_________________________-


ARUGH. do i really look that old ?! from mother --> sister --> classmate now! last time whenever i go shopping with my mum, a lot of people thought that we were sisters. and now there are people who think that she is my classmate, which also means around the same age as me. SAME AGE!!!! *&$)*&)$_#*%^@ !!!

there was even another time when i accompanied by dad to the market.

niangtofu auntie : that would be 5 bucks.
(dad was taking his wallet out)
niangtofu auntie looked at me. so i looked at her.
(dad paid her)
niangtofu auntie : (points at me) your sister ah. so guai. accompany you buy groceries.
dad : LOL
me : -________________-

haha. but i still love my mum and dad. hahahaha.

- off to bathe

Thursday, November 09, 2006

i want to score well !


i dont think i will.

- GGT is making me mad.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

how come i got the feeling i am being outcasted already ?

- ur secret is safe with me ____ .

Monday, November 06, 2006

hahahaha. went to catch the movie with sukie and gang today. it rocks! both Light and "L" are super clever and "L" is damn cute lah. haha. i want to read the comics !!

- stop slacking and get back to work

Saturday, November 04, 2006

after several weeks of resting, i decided to head back to work yesterday nite. haha. still quite slow in clearing plates and stuffs.. =/

- death note , the guardian , the convenant , sinking of japan , flushed away !

Thursday, November 02, 2006

hai. i am getting all stressed up. lol.

there's just so many things to complete lah. take elearning week for example. i thought elearning week is supposed to be more slack than normal days. but it appears not to be so. there's thousands of things to do and discuss..

and there's five tests for Mid Semester Test. there's a lot of stuffs to study loh. tons of work for GGT. tons of revision for PACC and STATS. and not forgetting dear projects. T.T

and there's a bazaar going on during MST week, from monday to friday, whereby we rented a stall in order to help raise funds for the overseas trip.. need to settle the stuffs and details by next week..

hai. stress ahhh. i really hope i can do well for this MST seh. i am gonna endure through these two weeks. :D hope i can really handle well.

- i hope.