Saturday, January 13, 2007

i deleted the last entry cause i dont know what the hell i am talking about. what more carefree life. crap. -.- guess i was too irritated and start to think stupid stuffs. felicia's event finally ended today, with only 12-14 participants turning up. hai. think the event came at the wrong time. cause everybody is busy with their projects, studies and other stuffs, thus the response wasnt that good..


resolutions for 2007

1. be more motivated to study
2. be more responsible
3. stop using vulgar language
4. get a part-time job and earn $$$$
5. spend more time with my family, esp my grandma
6. stay cool when facing problems
7. talk more
and of course,
8. get good results


cherish the loved ones around you,
for you may not know what will happen next.

- just a word of thanks and it brightened up my day.