Wednesday, February 07, 2007

super long never blog already. these few days 've been studying and we finally repaint my grandma house! my grandparents were super happy la. hahaha.

and today damn power.

i dropped my mp3 on the floor and it split into many pieces. it's working perfectly fine though, with sound and stuffs.. just that there's no words no title no volume no nothing on the screen for me to look at.

and in the late afternoon, while my sister was playing the computer in the study room and my auntie was cooking in the kitchen, i was happily watching the tv in the bedroom. and halfway through, i went out to the living room to get something and i saw the door and gate of my home WIDE OPEN, with the KEYS hanging there. WALAO. IT SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME lor. dont know how long the gate has been opened already. and the worst thing is that NONE OF US OPENED THE GATE. damn scary la. anyone could just get in and kill us all. i was the last one to have close the gate, BUT i remember i closed it. as for the keys, i'm not sure whether i took it out. =X shit sia. one fine day, i am going to cause the house to be robbed.

i am kissing my statistics goodbye already. i got the probability question wrong. should have applied the binomial distribution but i went to use the POISSON distribution, even though there's no "langa" for me to sub in. -.-. 12 and many more marks fly liao. :(

finally. one more paper and it would be HOLIDAYS. :D

- i have a bad temper