Saturday, March 24, 2007

came back home today to check out the gems and to blog.. sians. less than one more month till school reopen. back to tutorials and more projects. -.-. a lot of stuffs happened these few weeks and i wanna blog about them. hahaha

sometimes i wonder whether i am cut out to be in the service line. people in the service line have to put customers as their top priority. everything they say is right. however, sometimes i feel super irritated.. shouldnt elaborate more. lol.
and yes, work is sometimes enjoyable. but mostly it sucks. lol. cause there's this turtle who doesnt do anything. he only knows how to open his mouth and talk. with a position like his, he should know how to handle most of the things, but he doesnt. he cant cope with the cashier, the bar nor the caller. and almost everytime when i wanna look for him, he's nowhere to be seen. cause he's either smoking away or stuck inside the gents. BUT, there are still great peeps who make working fun lah. expecially peeps like pinghan, beeleng, ricko, ros, ahping and andrew. lol. this afternoon, andrew has gone mad from thinking too much of wanting to be a grandfather and sputtered nonense which caused me and ricko to laugh non-stop. LOL. and omg. i am always losing pens at my workplace and i lost my secret weapon!!

secret weapon - photocopied version of menu codes

got back out our results some time back and it dint hit my expectations. sad lah. but calvin did super well. lol glad that his hard work paid off.


very "chong shi". spent a great deal of time with my family, especially my grandma. every week, it's either i am working or i am going out with my relatives and grandma. my stay at my grandma house made me more independent too. heh.

photos of the recent trip to the zoo

say " cheese! banana!"

super cute animals.

crazy animals.
photo of my grandma's foot when it was swollen
it reminded me of a show called "Land of the Dead" lol.

a few days ago, i was flippling through my childhood photos...

haha. cute right.


me and my sis

our cousins and us sweet.

and i was damn shocked when i saw this face in my graduation photo.

lim pinghan was already my classmates so many years back. hahahaha. damn funny when we discovered that we were once kindergarten classmates.

gonna go check on the gems thingy already. shall write another day. byebye.

- [customer] you stupid! [staff] -smiles- yes! thank you sir/mam!