Tuesday, March 06, 2007

finally i can blog. i dont know what the hell is wrong with blogger.
my whole posting form just disappeared. -.-


today was a great day. cause i get to wear the swiss uniform again! haha. we had our class bbq at pasir ris. almost all of us were dressed in our secondary school uniforms. ahh. i miss swiss lots. well, to be exact, the wonderful days spent in swiss. :D went back home around 9 plus, wearing the uniform. yea. i dint bother to change. so wearing a crumpled and smelly attire, together with a pair of ripples slippers, with untied hair, i took the train home. i think miss tay will faint when she sees me.


for some people, they moved on fast. while for others, they moved on slow. and for me, i am not moving at all. lol. its just that i cant stop thinking back about the good old days and comparing it with my present life..
those were one of the most happiest and fufilling period in my life...

" mugging for Os together with my good friends. seeing that white and turquoise uniform hanging outside my wardrobe. going to school everyday happily. chatting with my friends. dreading pe. complaining about the tons of homework. copying assignments. taking down notes furiously. stuffing as many books as i can under the table. the drudgery of completing moutains of past year exam papers. going home with my good friends. "

hai. i regret not cherishing those moments. now, i wouldnt be able to experience them again. though today i wore the same uniform, many things have changed now. gone were the old days. currently, all my good friends are in jc. they have their own life to lead. life has moved on for all of us. people come, people go. and the sad thing is, i cant turn back time and relive those days again.

and today,
i learnt a very important thing - to treasure and enjoy every little moments in life, espeically the good ones, for some day in the later part of my life, i would then turn and look back and know that

i have truly lived every moment.
work like you dont need the money,
love like you've never been hurt,
dance like you do when nobody's watching.