today was a super tiring day. after sleeping at 3 plus last nite, i woke up at 8 plus in the morning and head over to my aunt's house to tuition my cousin. left her place and went back home before leaving for work again at 3 plus. met pinghan and beeleng at mac and we headed over to the arcade. lol. played some games before going for work.
it was the last day of work for hols.. work was not bad, cause i'm the host again. damn relax lah. hahaha. surprisingly, there werent much customers. no long queues, no flying around, no running around.. my relative came to eat with his friend and i got a free ride home. :D anyway, i was super shocked when the turtle actually gave him foc mango sticky rice. haha. that's all for today..
- school's starting already! anyone's excited?