Tuesday, July 17, 2007

today was an interesting day.

1. i dreamt that me, my dad and my sis were killed during a tsunami in Thailand.

2. MICE tutorial was shitty, i heard. i am glad that i skipped MICE in the morning. otherwise, it will be a total waste of time.

3. IHRO tutorial was "feedback" time. i still think it's kind of bullshit when she said some stuffs regarding the decoration of the tabletop. do you think some people, like xoxo, would really dont mind and still give you the marks if you dint decorate your tabletop? i can almost picture that person reaction in my head right now - "no creativity. bullshit. think out of the box. what crap are you giving me?"

4. we got back our IHRO paper. it's ridiculous. the way the questions are phrased. nevermind. it's over anyway. arugh. my cumulative GPA is going down down down.
lesson learnt: no matter how hard you study, once you intepret the question wrongly, that's it.

5. our projects are not done yet and we have around 27 days left to our semester exams.

okay. feeling lousy right now. my energy is running low nowadays. fell asleep right in front of the lappy yesterday night. i need a break!!!

- i need courage and confidence