Saturday, September 29, 2007

welcome to TOKYO.
the hotel where we stayed. the view outside our room. the lobby.
cant remember where i took these. ohhh. look! cigarette vending machine.
the cigarette packs are damn cheap over there.
i wonder if they can invent liquor vending machine as well. haha.
their mass rapid transit system.
slurps. super nice ramen. pasta with tiny mushrooms.
one of the desserts. it's some sort of a jelly. very nice.
a mini cakeshop where me and my aunt went.
the cakeshop is damn cosy and their staff are super friendly lah. all their staff greet the customers once they stepped into the shop. =) ohh. the strawberry cake which i had. ohh. its super nice also. tokyo, at night.ginza district
even the shop is so nicely lit up with neon lights.shinjukui dont know where these photos are taken either.
lastly, home sweet home. snapped a couple of pictures on the way to the airport. look at the packaging of the boxes of food my aunt brought back.
the japanese really love to wrap their stuffs.
hellokitty biscuits.

these photos might not be able to tell much, but japan is a very nice and happening country. i seriously hope my parents would allow me to go for the japan trip next year. ohh. travelling overseas with your friends would definitely be super fun.

Class Chalet 2007

ohh. the mixedberries cheesecake joshua baked.
the septemberians.
the 13th,14th and 15th.
the gambling king and queens. hahaha. weird pic.