Saturday, November 03, 2007

3rd of November. i just realised how quickly time flies. it seems like it was just only yesterday when school reopened for semester two. but now, another 58 more days and it would be year 2008 - a whole semester of attachment and followed by my last semester in singapore polytechnic.

this morning, i accompanied my dad and sis to the market. we had lunch at some hawker centre. it's been a long time since our family ate together, though my mom was missing.. reached home and started studying. GOM and TTP mst next week. die. i only started studying today. obviously, i have been slacking for the past few days. read abit before running off to watch Fu Man Ren Jian at4.30pm. hahaha. i dont know how the word "die" is written. sorry. direct transalation from chinese. want test already still dont study. after that, bathed and ate dinner, walked around the house a bit then POOP! 12am already. HAHAHA. i dont know where all the time went to. i would really have prefer to have that job. at least, there's something to keep me going and telling me to spend my time wisely and not slacking it away. but too bad, the job's timing was abit heavy. if not for projects, i would have jumped at the offer already. lol. opportunity cost.

okay. gonna go catch some sleep first. tml then continue the war with slots and aeroplanes. nite.