Monday, November 12, 2007

heroes unrevealed.

sign 1: a living bird became a dead bird within seconds.
about a month ago, me and sukie witnessed a bird being ramped over by a vehicle. the bird was like just hopping in front of us a few minutes ago and within seconds, the bird had hopped on to the road. hop hop hop, it goes and flip flap! the bird was dead. a vehicle had just ran over the bird. the skin was ripped from its body and its red flesh was exposed.

sign 2: a cat dead.
a week ago, on monday, as the both of us were walking back to SB block after our gems, we saw this dead cat lying on the grass. it was super stiff and like literally "frozen", with all of its four legs facing up. it was quite a disgusting sight. and there were like many many houseflies flying above it.

sign 3: a girl fainted.
just now, as the both of us, again, were alighting from the mrt at jurongeast, a girl fainted someway behind us. a young man and an old man struggled to help her up, but to no avail. she was unconscious. her legs were wobbly and her whole body was soft. luckily, a kind soul appeared out of nowhere and helped them. together, they carried the girl away.

sign 4: project fate.
and this semester, we happened to be in the same group for almost all of the projects. all by chance.

is this our destiny or what? by showing us all these, are they trying to tell us that we are meant to save the world? perhaps, i am spiderman's sister and sukie is superman's sister? are we really who we are?

HAHAHAHA. okay. i think i watched too much heroes already. but its true that we encountered so these unfortunate events la. bird dead, cat dead, girl fainted. what's next?

ohhh. kelly koh's: a series of unfortunate events. -.-


stayover for project. it was fun doing project with them, though its tiring. had fun laughing and crapping away, listening to ghost stories and projecting throughout the night. =) wish i could have more of these stayovers. but given my dad's strictness, it would be pretty hard to be granted the permission to be able to stayover again. sad.


reached home at around 10am. studied a bit of ISB and went out to celebrate my mom's birthday. we had fish and co for dinner. darn nice. after that, accompanied her shopped a bit before going home to study. couldnt tahan and fell asleep at 12 plus. lol.


back to school once more. had gems test in the morning, followed by UCCD lecture which was quite interesting. haha. after that, we attended some lifesaving workshop, where they taught us some theory on CPR. will be attending the practical training this saturday. dozed off during GBE as mr andrew grey talked about china. projected after school. TTP project is fun. haha.

to do list for today:

TTP tutorial
TTP project
HS project

the owner of the receipt