Tuesday, November 06, 2007

i was chatting with my friend just now and i realised that sometimes i really dont know what i want. last time, when i was still working part-time at ThaiExpress, i complained of having not enough time and rest. now, when i dont have any job, i complained that my life is not fulfilling and interesting enough. lol. humans. keep complaining and taking things for granted.

there's so many projects on hand.

Service Quality.
Travel and Tourism Practices.
Understanding Cross Cultural Diversity.
Global Business Environment.
Gaming Operations Management.
Hotel Security.
Is Seeing Believing. (almost forgot about this)
gems quiz next week.

my timetable for this week is packed.. but i like. hahaha. si bian tai. sorry.
okay. time to start on projects. =)

haha. cousin. what's with the face!

finally, 18!

moving out of your comfort zone and challenging yourself to things that you have never experienced before might not be a bad thing after all.