Thursday, December 20, 2007

met up with yujia in the late evening to catch "The Warlords" at cineleisure. the show would be fantastic to you if you are those who love gruesome and bloody scenes. haha. heads rolling off from the bodies, blood splattering all over the place, detached body parts lying all around the floor. NICE. HAHAHA. but the show is okay. and i dint sleep hor, rachael. lol.

i think i am damn greedy. there's tons of movies and dramas i wanna watch and catch up. but i can feel the stress building up in me already. TTP + GOM + HS test + SQ test + UCCD test. =/. hai. but i still wanna watch Chipmunks, Enchanted, National Treasure 2 and Heroes 2. lol. caught the show Bridge to Terabithia two days ago. the story plot is damn cruel. it made the girl died la. walao. but was quite touched by what the dad said to the boy and how the boy managed to keep Terabithia alive. nice show.

oh yah. submitted the cover letter and resumes on monday to chihwee already. now i am just waiting and hoping that either Jetstar or Sentosa would call me. i dont want to work in Tours Connection lah. i dont want to be tied down in an office right now.. Sentosa looks better. you get to work and try out more jobs in a sun-sand-sea environment leh, plus an attractive pay. wooo. of course it looks better.

hmm. it seems like time has flew by pretty fast again. another one more month and we would be all going our separate ways. some to USA. some to travel agencies. some to hotels. some to attractions. some to airlines. after working for 5 months plus and poop, we will all be seeing one another back in school once more. i bet the 5 months will pass by damn quickly again, like how this year did. roar. i dont wanna grow up and start working in the society. i dont want to carry all those responsibilities. i dont wanna grow old..

anyway, i wanna say a big THANK YOU to all my friends. :D

for being there to make silly jokes and laugh with me.
for being there when i need a listening ear.
for being there to comfort me when you can sense that i are feeling down or sad.
for being there brighten up my gloomy days.
for being there to hear me whine and complain.
for being there to bring me a smile.
it is really surprising and nice and touching to know that your friend has got something ready to give you, when you were just about to give her something too.
thank you, friends.

walking and feeling the wind blowing gently on your face ;