Sunday, December 09, 2007

when you are in trouble, will anyone sacrifice their time to help you?
when you are down, will anyone be there to cheer you up and give you a pat on the shoulder,
telling you that everything's gonna be alright?
when you feel like all hope is lost, will anyone be there to tell you that there is always someone out there supporting you?
when you need someone to rant to, will anyone be there to lend you his/her ears?

GBE presentation went quite smoothly. UCCD presentation was not up to my expectations.

i felt kind of disappointed when i blanked out and forgot my script on friday during UCCD presentation. i practiced several times beforehand and i could remember everything. but i have no idea why i screwed up during that presentation. felt so hopeless and useless. hai. what else can i do? marks have been given and everything has been finalized. i will just have to work hard for the next presentation right. no use ranting and grumbling over here. it wont change anything. later on during that day, i even told my groupmates that references need not be print out, which is actually false. i almost killed my group mates with my own hands.

GOM stayover at rach's house on friday night was fun, to me. at least i get to laugh and joke for awhile. fell asleep during 3 plus while i was halfway through helping elisha with his financial stuffs.

sleeping nowadays is seriously so sinful. on thursday night, i accidentally fell asleep and when i woke up on friday, i felt so sinful and bad. even though it was only a 3-hour sleep, i felt super guilty because i dint finish my project stuffs. horrifying to know that even sleeping has evolved to become a burden.

we ordered Mac for breakfast. that deliveryman left my coffee in the middle of the highway la. i ordered the sausage mcmuffin set but there was no coffee. after the satisfying and delicious dinner, leann and me cabbed down to Yinzi's house. we fell asleep on her bed once we reached there. slept for an hour plus before starting on our SQ.

roar. it's been ages since i last sleep peacefully. things to complete for tonight: ISB gems research, GOM project, GBE project, SQ project.

we are not in the tourism and resort management course. we are in the design cum filmmaking cum drama cum supermen and superwomen course. they are training us how to be super people instead of people working in the tourism line.

it's hard to pretend that nothing has happened.