Wednesday, March 05, 2008

day 3!

last night i had a short conversation with tong and swissotel seems like a really nice place to work in too. hahaha. but i still prefer my airport. (:

i almost couldnt wake up today. i felt so darn tired even after my 6 hours of sleep. the storeroom in jetstar has already become like my second home. hahaha. yanni's second home would be the cupboards behind me. LOL. anyway, i went to the storeroom pretty often to sort out the files. though the room is dusty, it is still quite nice in there lah, in the sense that you can do your work at your own pace, in a small quiet room, with no one to disturb you, or you can stare into the space for like 5 minutes before you continue with your stuffs. lunch was at the canteen in terminal 1. the duck rice was super large in portion and made me skipped my dinner again. the joke about the additional servings created by yanni is memorable.

kailin: uncle, three sets of duck rice.
uncle: okay. any extra ingredients?
yanni: i want a duck.

after lunch, i went back to my work of keying in of data or in a nicer way, preparing of data. lol. anyway, i cant access the internet during office hours already. one of my colleagues told me that you can be tracked while using the internet. =.= wthhhh. i am back to the bad old days of having no msn. and one more thing, i love the place where i am sitting now. firstly, my computer faces the wall and i will not have much problem if i decide to visit the minesweeper one day. another reason would be that i get to hear the sounds of the planes taking off. it's quite nice actually. :D

anyway, this morning, when i alighted at changi mrt station, i was quite surprised to see a number of military guards and policemen in the station. the atmosphere was like a bit tensed. lol. they looked as if they were ready to kill anyone. i have not been reading the news for quite some time now. so what's the latest news about selamat?

my stand is still standing strong.