Monday, March 03, 2008


today was the first day of my attachment!

the scenes in the morning actually brought back a lot of memories for me - students carrying a handful of books and a large bag, waiting for their train or bus; students walking along the streets, listening to their ipods; students chasing after their buses, etc etc. 3 years ago, i was just like them too - clad in my swiss uniform and carrying some alien tenyearseries, waiting sleepily for the damn bus to come. time does really flies. arugh. i am starting to miss my secondary days again..

anyway, the first day of work wasnt really exciting or boring. i have a computer right in front of me, but i dont have an account to log on to the net!! no msn, no net. =( when we approached the HR in charge, i got the shock of my life when i saw the word "finance" beside my name. yes, apparently, i have been assigned to the department of my nightmare. omg. accounts, payroll, revenue, invoices and so on. OMG. the world just collasped on me. hahahha. jacelyn was sent to the department of my dreams - operations. lol. it seems fun to me lah - always on the go and the people in their department are like super friendly. hahaha. yanni on the other hand is in the HR department and, she is just a few seats away from me. =)

i was first assigned the task of keying in of some datas. after that, we left for lunch. the prices of the food there is still considered favorable okay. all thanks to the staff discount. hahaha. i came back to the office and finished up the data thingy and i was left to stoned. lol. there was nothing for me to do. that was when i decided to ask around and i was eventually assigned the task of punching and filing a stack of papers into the files in the storeroom. the storeroom is really dusty. and oh! did i mentioned that each of us have our own tables too? and their tables are really dusty as well. yanni's and my fingers turned black after using the keyboard. LOL. and poooooof! before we knew it, it was already 5.30pm and off we go. jacelyn did not say goodbye to me though. she seems to be in a rush. hahah.

i met up with yujia at night for some ice-cream at westmall's swensens. seriously, ice-cream can cheer one's mood up. thanks for coming out leh. hahah. =) we had a really good chat and caught up with one another again. i miss her sitting next to me in class. =( the usual copyings of homework, the usual dozing off in class, the jotting down of notes, laughing at how crumpled her worksheets are, wondering why her green pen seems to be always running out of ink and all those little stuffs.. hai. all those wonderful moments. yujia, come sit beside me at jetstar leh. hahaha. then i can laugh at you again. lol.

anyway, we got to know an intern and an ex-intern at jetstar too. friendly peeps. =) time to stock up some pens, pencils and papers for my table. today was really pathetic. when one of my colleagues asked me whether i had any stationary stationery with me, all i could reply was a pen. haha. my dark rings are getting darker already and my eye bags are getting heavier. i have been having problems sleeping lately. i wonder how are my other classmates doing, especially meijun! none of them seems to be online leh.

i need to get out of the past. i need to stop looking back. it is the future that i should be looking forward to.

painting my future.