Friday, March 07, 2008

the week flew past just like that!

today's work was a bit random. hahaha. a moment ago, i was helping Accounts Revenue department, and a moment later, i am helping Accounts Payable department. i couldnt finish my task today. i started on the task at only 4.30pm. and i had to bring home to complete it cause the deadline is on monday. =( sad right. hahaha. and during the train ride home, leonard began scaring me by telling me the life of a typical person from finance. she will buy food back to the office to eat during lunch. she always stay back after work. and after work, she will still bring back some of the documents to do. so when you start to find yourself bringing your work back home, you are on the right track to being an accountant. shit.

anyway, both yanni and i agreed that even though our work is sian and not really interesting, working at Jetstar is really fun after all. MSN add colours and many super duper jokes to our dull working life. hahahaha.

warning: these are all private jokes so they might not be funny to you after all.

1. we have this super duper cute indian auntie working in our office. she helps us to clear the rubbish in our bins and is also some sort like the in charge of the pantry area. From cooking desserts on wednesdays to brewing herbal teas on fridays, she is like our "mom" in the office lah and likes to call us "moy". for example, if she sees me and yanni, she will go "moy ah, got herbal tea. later go drink ah." so yanni and i came up with the nick - "auntie moy". she's pretty cute and friendly okay. =) so anyway, her herbal tea is legendary. we heard about her legendary tea even before it is herbal friday. (mondays: cut fruits, wednesdays: desserts, fridays: herbal tea)

crap #1: today, our joker colleague, by the name of James, took a cup of herbal tea. he looked at it and said, "wah. this herbal tea ah." he took a sip and continued "wah. this herbal tea drink already can fly up." lolol.

crap #2: lenoard was scooping the herbal tea and he was like showing us what are the ingredients inside the pot. "you have this, this, this and dont know what this is," he said. and that joker yanni filled in the blanks for him by saying "snakes" and the scene of auntie moy, stirring a pot of snakes, brewing tea for us, is darn funny.

2. the food in changi terminals are reeeeaallly cheap. as in, it is super cheap. a cup of coffee costs only 40 cents while a plate of chicken rice only costs 2 bucks?! though they are cheap, their quality and standard are still there okay, just like the famous duck rice we had a couple of days ago.

crap#3: yanni and i was starving like mad. we always starved like mad in the mornings before lunch. my stomach will growl at 9am on the dot while yanni will start getting hungry at 11am. yanni once heard the loud growl on the stomach and that was quite embarrassing and funny. on this particular day, we were on our way to the foodcourt. jacelyn and leonard started talking about their job. they were from the same department you see. so yanni and i, being left out and starving, overheard them saying "Joe" and we immediately linked to the same thing - the uncle selling the duck rice must be called Joe. and we began laughing about the same stupid joke again.

"any extra ingredients?''
"oh. uncle joe, i want to add a whole duck."

crap #4: the hawaiian baked rice at terminal 2's foodcourt is super nice too! i had this during today's lunch. it tasted like some hawaiian pizza. so i was busy shoving the food into my mouth when i turned to yanni who was having her wonderful chicken rice and said, "the rice is seriously damn nice lah. i think the auntie is from hawaii." and we continued the joke later on msn. "the chicken rice also nice. i think the uncle at the chicken rice stall opens a chicken farm."

crap #5: lunch with lenoard and lydia is never a bore because lydia never fail to make some sarcastic remarks at lenoard. we were all joking about lenoard's age, saying something like he is perhaps some 3000 year old creature. leonard defended himself and lydia shot him, "then you think you what. 3 arh."

crap #6: yanni and her supervisor directly face each other when they use the com. so if yanni suddenly giggles, her supervisor will know that yanni is slacking. whenever yanni uses the msn, she tends to slouch to hide her giggles. this afternoon, when i was msning her, she was giggling like mad again and she slouched all the way down and i told her, "you might as well lie on the floor". she giggled even harder and asked me to go and die.

crap #7: yanni's colleague was calling someone and apparently called the wrong person. "i am looking for yati," she said. "huh? what dustbin?" the uncle ignorantly replied. LOL.

crap #8: mel is yanni's supervisor while serene is my supervisor and she smokes i think, because of the cigarette smell that lingers on her. i decided to change my msn nick to "Hi Mel. YANNY IS USING MSN." this afternoon to sabo her.

Queenie. says:
Queenie. says:
kailin. says:
kailin. says:
kailin. says:
Queenie. says:
Queenie. says:
Queenie. says:
Queenie. says:
Queenie. says:

okay. maybe these arent really funny. but i seriously do have fun at work. cause we have been like laughing non-stop, no matter where we are, and it makes work more enjoyable. yea. i love the working environment. =) photos on monday. hahaha. and, today a very very very super duper really good-looking angmoh pilot by the name of andrew ecceles came into the room!!!!!! tall, brown hair, big eyes. damn shuai! yanni was using a tissue to clean her saliva lah. haha. but too bad, he is quitting. nooooo.

shit. now i realised i cant access my work. i am dead meat. serene is going to kill me. god. save me. i dont want to go to work at 5 on a monday morning. =( how.

as long as you are happy.