Tuesday, February 27, 2007


came home with my grandma today. she would be staying over for some days.. and no, i dint disappear nor vanish into thin air these few weeks. i've been staying over at my grandma house and there was no com. aww. i miss my lappie. haha.

during CNY, i saw this cute dog at my maternal grandma house when we went to her house to "bai nian". she belongs to my mum's fourth brother. this dog is damn cute and guai la. she doesnt pee nor shit anywhere and seldom bark nor bite things nor jump everywhere. i simply love playing with her!

anyway, my mum's brothers are super chek ark la. sometimes, when they are playing with her, they push her to and fro, like some ball, or they pull and stretch her legs, like doing some form of dog aerobics exercise. and when we brought her down for a walk, one of my uncles will purposely make her go chase after a cat.. they are EVIL.

btw, female dogs also have their period! my grandma and uncles had a hard time cleaning up the mess for a few days when the dog's period came.

a few days before CNY, my aunt (paternal side) came back from china too, bringing back my cousin. he grew taller and fatter already! these few weeks, i've been getting so used to playing with him that when he went back today, i was damn depressed. the whole house seemed to have quieten a lot. every morning, he would come and dig me up from my bed, by covering my face with my hair, sit on top of me, use a gun to shoot me, pull my ear, dig my eyes, etc. aww. i miss him.. he will only be back again this july. :(

went for another round of check-up with my grandma at alexandra today. the doc took her away her cast and she was super happy. due to her cast, i've been bathing her these few weeks and she told me she felt super useless, of not being able to bathe by herself. haha. the doc said her fractured bone has already healed by itself, almost, and that she can walk without the two thingies(crutches? sticks?). she will be going for the final check-up three weeks later. another good news is that the blood clot in her eye seems to have become smaller. hmm. that was what she told me. not really sure about that though. she will only be having her eye check-up during march.

seems like things have turn for the better these few weeks. hmm.

- thanks for listening to those craps that day

Sunday, February 18, 2007


YES! it's chinese new year again, which means more money. hahaha. had reunion dinner at my grandma house just now. the steamboat was super nice! had lots of prawns during the meal. working in thaiexpress has made me fell in love with prawns. :)

and yep, all my relatives and cousins came over to my grandma house. damn noisy and funny la my cousins. all of them are still studying in primary schools. one moment they are running everywhere, playing hide-and-seek, and the other moment they turned my uncle's room into a mini disco room, with justin timberlake's sexyback blasting away in the background. LOL. my sis and i even created the lighting for them. hahahaha. the way they dance super cute and funny, like top hot dancers. LOL

my sis and two of our cousins

oh yah, accompanied my grandma to the eye center for another round of laser treatment on thursday. and this time, the doc said if the blood clot in her eyes is not going to get well, she will need to undergo operation.

on fridy, her right foot was so swollen that it looked as if it might burst any minute. so, we went to the nearby clinic and the doc said her right foot kena infection and has lots of pus in it and if the swelling does not stop, she will have to be hospitalized. gawd. i cant imagine celebrating cny without my grandma. her infection was due to the fall she had last week. she slipped and slammed both her knees and legs right onto the super hard concrete floor. i seriously hope her health will improve for her this year. -praying hard-

hmm. so far, the hols has been great. no tutorial, no paper, no test. lol. gonna go overseas to hongkong and thailand with my relative. :D am really looking forward to this trip. hahahaha.

okay. gonna go off already. shall update another time bah. byebye. and once again, happy cny!!

get well soon grandma!

Friday, February 09, 2007

wah. now the last paper has finally ended, i can finally slack and play and watch television everyday till it explode.

there's quite a number of OM questions i couldn't do. like defining path-goal theory, diagonal communication i wrote upwards, delegation and etc. :(

chiam. both stats and om gone.

nvm. shouldnt think about it for now first. gonna enjoy my 2 month hols. :)

- happy belated birthday to my bloggy. lol.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

this is super bad. lol. i have not touch my OM. ggooossshhh.

accompanied my grandma to the hospital for the laser thingy for her eyes and helped her out with spring cleaning. the blood clot in her eye did not become smaller, and the laser thingy makes her feel damn giddy.. hai.

yay. last test for tml and off to junelin's house for celebration. :)

- memorize!!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

super long never blog already. these few days 've been studying and we finally repaint my grandma house! my grandparents were super happy la. hahaha.

and today damn power.

i dropped my mp3 on the floor and it split into many pieces. it's working perfectly fine though, with sound and stuffs.. just that there's no words no title no volume no nothing on the screen for me to look at.

and in the late afternoon, while my sister was playing the computer in the study room and my auntie was cooking in the kitchen, i was happily watching the tv in the bedroom. and halfway through, i went out to the living room to get something and i saw the door and gate of my home WIDE OPEN, with the KEYS hanging there. WALAO. IT SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME lor. dont know how long the gate has been opened already. and the worst thing is that NONE OF US OPENED THE GATE. damn scary la. anyone could just get in and kill us all. i was the last one to have close the gate, BUT i remember i closed it. as for the keys, i'm not sure whether i took it out. =X shit sia. one fine day, i am going to cause the house to be robbed.

i am kissing my statistics goodbye already. i got the probability question wrong. should have applied the binomial distribution but i went to use the POISSON distribution, even though there's no "langa" for me to sub in. -.-. 12 and many more marks fly liao. :(

finally. one more paper and it would be HOLIDAYS. :D

- i have a bad temper