Saturday, September 29, 2007

welcome to TOKYO.
the hotel where we stayed. the view outside our room. the lobby.
cant remember where i took these. ohhh. look! cigarette vending machine.
the cigarette packs are damn cheap over there.
i wonder if they can invent liquor vending machine as well. haha.
their mass rapid transit system.
slurps. super nice ramen. pasta with tiny mushrooms.
one of the desserts. it's some sort of a jelly. very nice.
a mini cakeshop where me and my aunt went.
the cakeshop is damn cosy and their staff are super friendly lah. all their staff greet the customers once they stepped into the shop. =) ohh. the strawberry cake which i had. ohh. its super nice also. tokyo, at night.ginza district
even the shop is so nicely lit up with neon lights.shinjukui dont know where these photos are taken either.
lastly, home sweet home. snapped a couple of pictures on the way to the airport. look at the packaging of the boxes of food my aunt brought back.
the japanese really love to wrap their stuffs.
hellokitty biscuits.

these photos might not be able to tell much, but japan is a very nice and happening country. i seriously hope my parents would allow me to go for the japan trip next year. ohh. travelling overseas with your friends would definitely be super fun.

Class Chalet 2007

ohh. the mixedberries cheesecake joshua baked.
the septemberians.
the 13th,14th and 15th.
the gambling king and queens. hahaha. weird pic.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

ohhh. Hiro Nakamura is super cute. HAHAHAHA.
"Heroes" is very nice lah.
hope i would be able to complete the first series within this week.

school doesnt feel like school at all.
i have been sleeping in lectures pretty often, especially miss chenyenyin and ronald's.
my tuition wasnt smooth sailing.
my kid just scored 18/50 for her percentage test. omg.
i am mentally very stressed out lah. super worried for her final year exams.
i need to look for weekend parttime jobs too. i want to save money.
i want to go to japan again.
i want to taste their ramen, eat their sushi, breathe their air and look at their people..

haha. enough of my wants. time for bed.

- what is happening?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

i finally baked the first cake of my life.
it tasted damn nice to me,
though it's a bit too cheesey and the crust tasted like those "lau hong" type.

mixed berries cheesecake

the first two days of school were rather tiring. i had 11 hours of sleep yesterday night. =)
and today, we just got to know that our class will be going for our internship programme for the first semester next year. arugh. that sucks cause our internship will begin a few days straight after CNY, leaving us like only one week for holidays, and it is going to last for 5 months. ohh. i am going to miss all my classmates. maybe we can like come out once in a while, after a hard day's work, and go for a drink at the pub. ohhhhh. i wonder where i would end up for the internship programme....

Sunday, September 23, 2007

though i spent quite a lot yesterday, but it was quite fulfilling.
sushi buffet and presents.
the combination of salmon and avocado was nice.
both are my favorites. lollol.

today went gymming with sukie at khatib.
ahhh. it feels good to run and sweat.
after that, had pepper lunch for dinner.
what a luxury. slurps.

omg. school's starting in one day's time!!!!!
i want endless steamboat outings, endless sentosa trips, endless chalets, endless outings.
yah. i am dreaming.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

time for some updates.


the trip to japan was fun of course. my aunt went there purely for shopping purpose. thus, we dint manage to get to a lot of tourist places like disneyland, tokyo tower, temples, night markets, blah blah. maybe that's why i dint see any hello kitty walking on the streets. lol. jk. but nonetheless, it was still fun.

the japanese are quite into their own world. when walking on the streets, no one will really care to look at you. they would just scurry around in their own little world and they are really very polite. they will keep thanking you when you bought something from them. on several occasions, the salesgirl even carried the stuffs that we bought and escort us personally out of the shop. the japanese are quite cultured too. they dont yell, scream or talk loudly in public. when taking the escalators, everybody will automatically stand to the left. hahaha. and no, jacelyn, no one coughed into my face. lol. and they take pride in their dressing, especially those people in the retail industry. i hardly see anyone wearing just a top and jeans. and every girl, including those students, i saw walking on the streets had their makeup on. wild hairstyle like birdnest and boots with colorful leggings are a common sight in tokyo. if someone dressed like that and walked along orchard road, i think the number of stares received by that person can flood my house already. and i really like their brands especially yohji yamamoto. hahaha.


aloha changi is like super deserted. the chalet is filled with ants, mosquitoes, flies, lizards, cats and spider webs. ew. i still remembered vividly the army of ants that we saw on the pathway. omg. super digusting. night 1 was memorable. lol. 18 tong luo zheng. HAHAHAHAH. 6 people squeezed on one bed. night 2 was super interesting as there were free shows and people threatened to beat us with a broom. hahahah. i think i really slept like a log. did the bed really vibrated?

haven upload the photos yet. shall post them next time.


omg. school is starting next week already. how time flies. nice things would eventually have to come to an end, isn't it. i am going to spend the last few days of my holidays wisely already. hahahh. chose our gems on monday and i got into "Is Seeing Believing?" and the chinese idioms one. a new semester, a new start. wooo. we are moving onto year 3 soon already. super fast.

- i dont know what i want

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

ahhhh. my results suck la. i am feeling kind of sad right now.
okay. i am cheating myself.
i am feeling super sad right now laaaaa.
i feel guilty now. my results are so sucky. still dare to play.
okay okay.
gonna forget all about my results
and start the new semester with a fresh mind.

Monday, September 10, 2007

endless walks down the roads of japan

Thursday, September 06, 2007

okay. before i go to sleep, i wanna write a few sentences. i will probably wont be updating already. because i will be flying off the japan on saturday. hahahaha.

this birthday has been quite different from me.
i am touched la.


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I AM 18th ALREADY!!!!

i am quite touched by my mom today. i woke up in the morning and i saw this bowl of mee sua and two red eggs placed on the table already. my mom cooked it before she left for work. the more touching thing is that she still wrote "Happy 18 Birthday" on the eggs la. ohhh.

so after finishing the wonderful eggs and meesua, i left for tuition and my aunt treated me mac chicken. ohhh. touched again.

after that, i went to meet ting and yujia. we ate at jp's swensens. had a hazelnut daze and some free icecream. they gave me a present and yujia gave me a card too! touched x3.

and i met my mum after that for dinner at suki. ohhh. touched x4. this is a random pic i took with my sis's bolster. damn cute la the duck.

ohh. just now, minutes after 12, ting sent me a hightech birthday card. LOL. omg. touched x5.


Monday, September 03, 2007

ohhh. before i forget, i met up with sukie this afternoon at plazasing.

she went to look at her guitars and somehow, seeing all those keyboards on display makes me wanna to learn piano more. but, too bad, i am poor. so anyway, we went to this peace center to have kebab and it is good! the crunchiness of the veggies, the tenderness of the meat, the cripsiness of the wrap. WHOA. delicious. and its super long la.

my teethmarks are nice.
woooooo. gonna chiong my drama tml already.

- thanks aunt.

my specs is under maintenance now, so i am depending on my contacts.
that's why i am such a good girl nowadays.
10pm and i am already lying on my bed.
i think i am going blind. my eyesight rose by another 25 degrees.
without my specs or contacts, i even wore my pants the other way round la.
ahhhh. i am going blind.

- smalled eyes

Saturday, September 01, 2007

woo. i changed back to my old skin already.
i am getting bored at home..

1 more week!!