Tuesday, April 29, 2008



Air Traffic Control Tower

ATC openhouse on thursday was a really nice experience, taking into consideration that it might be the only chance in our lifetime that we are allowed to enter the tower. since the invitation was opened to the pilots only, we (the 3 interns and the female head of hr) were given the impression that we were pilots from Jetstar. not bad huh. this goes to show that we looked professional and young okay. haha.

touring, explanations, talks and discussions were done, and all we did were just to listen and absorb and have their sumptuous buffet for lunch, not forgetting all those craps and jokes shared - yanni hogging up the whole buffet queue line and pissing her head off, yanni taking candid photos of her head and putting photos as wallpaper. =) the event lasted all the way till the mid afternoon and by the time we were back in the office, we only had 3 more hours to go before we knock off. =)

i dont know what the hell is this photo about. darlie/coglate advertisement perhaps?

inside the room

i'm right on top of the world looking~
is this what they call a bird's eye view? the feeling of being at the top of the tower, overlooking the whole of changi airport and their runways is really good.

look at how advance their stimulators are. they can easily stimulate emergency situations such as aeroplanes on fire, or even bad weather conditions with just a few buttons. these stimulators are found in the school of aviation whereby training is done.

hello. hahahaha. yanni: you are barbequed if she gets the link to my blog.

Jetstar Office

these few days have been rather tiring and busy lah. work is forever that massive. and i think my department is really sweet. hahah. on the 1st of every month, they will pool together a sum of money to buy a cake to celebrate those birthdays that fall on that month. since 3/3/08, i've already been to two celebrations already. another 3 more to go and that will signify the end of my internship already.

today was also nichole's last day. i sincerely wish her all the best for her career lah. even though i wasnt really close to her, but still, she taught me quite a lot of stuffs too. and during afternoon, josephine randomly asked whether i could cope with all those stuffs that i have on hand currently since some of nic's work were handed down to me. surprisingly, i replied i had no problem. well, perhaps, those work still haven reach my limit, or could it be that i have no sense of urgency and that i'm taking things too lightly? lol. but i know i did have some sense of urgency okay. but still, i dont mind taking things into my stride. it works better for me this way.

had dinner with yujia and gang on thursday. as usual, we did all the catching ups since i have not seen and meet keetwan and xinyi for nearly 2 years already. and recently, yujia, shujuan and me had been having subway for almost every week, just like the three of us at jetstar are having popeyes!! i guess we are addicted to their bread and cookies, right? personally, i think their tuna bread and cookies are the best lah. their tuna tasted so fishy and together with the crunchiness of their lettuce and tomato and their tasty sweet onion sauce, it's heavenly. as for their cookies, i like them for their softness. well, some people might think otherwise.

we caught the forbidden kingdom too, but that was on friday, if i dint remember wrongly. hmmm, the whole movie doesnt make any sense lah, but still occasionally, there are still some funny parts here and there that makes it on the whole interesting. but still, chinese from the ancient period being equipped with the ability of speaking english is just not acceptable to me. i wanna catch the IRONMAN and INDIANA JONES!


i've saw the ugly sides of humans again recently. some humans can be really superficial. she was standing right beside me and looking at me straight in the eye, and yet, she can treat me as if i've ate glass for food. the edge of my mouth was already lifted, and my teeth were almost showing. i just wanted to give her a small smile and yet she looked away, without even bothering to acknowledge my presence! this is damn not right can. i have my reasons for saying this lah. i think i am a super sensitive human and this isnt really good cause merely a word or a sentence or even an action can already set my brain into thinking already.

and throughout these few days, i've realised something - the hardest mistake to spot is not hers, not his but your own. cause you've the tendency to think that whatever you do is right and that even though you've double-checked for the umpteenth time already, you will still be unable to spot it, until someone comes along and tell you that you've forgot to include something.

i'm still learning everyday lah, even though my little blue book has not been signed for three weeks and have not been updated since last thursday. hahaha. my work involves figures and a single mistake such as crediting from the wrong bank or debiting from the wrong vendor can lead to dire consequences. and thus, i was able to pick up skills such as being able to do things fast and accurately and i am still learning them everyday. i will still make minor mistakes here and there, such as writing TT as T, writing GIRO for foreign payments and stuffs like that. still, if i dont make mistakes, i wont learn as much right? some of my colleagues really know the right way of instilling something into me, especially josephine. haha. i like her method of teaching and probably the reason why i like to help her so much. when she teaches me something, she will tend to explain the logic behind that action or decision and she will make sure that by hook or by crook, i can understand. and she knows that only by ensuring my understanding, then i would be able to perform the tasks better and need not always go running to her when i encounter problems that can be easily solved. i prefer this type of coaching rather than those that tells you what to do, but without explaining why you have to do so. or maybe i am just plain stupid. hahaha.

gelare this coming friday with o2 once again! and i am so going to enjoy my labor day tml. =))

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


there's a big big big stack of more than 100 payment entries on the table waiting for me to do. gosh. agent's service fee for the month of Feb, cheque payment entries, TT payment entries plus following up of missing fuel invoices for shell, chevron, pertamania, exxonmobile, etcetc. nichole's leaving next wednesday. cristina's transferring to another department. so there's many payment entries that have to be done. but i think josephine has already took some over to do, yet there's still so many. phew. she is going to be pretty busy herself, given that she will taking over some of their jobs too i think.

POPEYES is seriously filling. i love their scone-like biscuit. it's really wonderfully nice.

ATC(Air Traffic Control) openhouse + dinner at PS tml. :D

i dont know what i'm thinking either. i'm at fault for causing the confusion. those words were meant to be said as a friend to a friend. kailin, it's start to use your brain to think first before you start saying anything.

Monday, April 21, 2008


In the morning, there's tidbits such as nougats, sweets, small biscuits and even chips being offered around. In the afternoon after lunch, there's cakes, cupcakes, fruits, herbal drinks and desserts too. =))

anyway, today, one of our very colleagues baked and offered us these wonderfully beautifully and super cute cupcakes. =)) they are really delicious and exquisite and so pretty can!

Yanni's and Jacelyn's.

aint they all little chiobus? sorry.

life has also been rather busy for me.
take a look at my table.

and this is my family's dessert, specially made by me. it doesnt look appetizing, i know. HAHA. my intial intention was to make ice-cream pie. but due to some circumstances, it wasnt successful and i was super irritated and i anyhow mix. and it turns out alright. =) just a normal plate of vanilla ice-cream with crushed digestive biscuits.

more photos next time. =)

3 more months to go!

Friday, April 18, 2008

i am not as weak as what you think i am but neither am i that strong.

complaining about being too fat? complaining about being flabby here and there? complaining about having too much rice? take a look around you. people in developing countries have been starving for days and nights. children are reduced to just skin and bones while people are dying of starvation. citizens rioting the streets due to the increase in prices of rice have been going on in some countries. and thinking of all these stuffs makes me wanna finish the whole plate of food being placed in front of me, no matter how big the portion may be or no matter how tasteless the food is. we should be really thankful that we can still afford to buy rice and bread and still being able to fill up our stomach thrice a day. when i saw other people leaving half of their plate of rice unfinished, my thoughts immediately went out to those children in developing countries who are dying just to have something to eat... well, surely, there must be a better way for people who are dieting, rather than wasting half of their food. if you cant finish, then request for smaller servings or scoop some of your portions to your friends who have bigger appetites.

whoah. i feel so composition-ish. yah so, anyway, i've gained weight again! it's hard not to gain in jetstar. my neighbor sounds like my mom, who keeps asking me to eat and finish off the biscuits and offering me more food. soya ice-creams and desserts are always worth looking forward to. sitting down in the office all day long with minimum exercising and walking and with all those carbohydrates accumulating in your body, tell me how can you not gain any weight?! i shall start asking for smaller portions for lunch already. or pass it to jacelyn. hahaha. kidding.

Monday, April 14, 2008


where birds of the same feathers flock together,

where 19 different faces met at MLT9 in 2007,

where some of the friendships are being formed.

even though not everyone is close to one another, but we still had fun fooling around dont we. i am quite looking forward to the next birthday gathering in may, which also indirectly means that we are halfway through our internship already. =) this is worth celebrating.

this morning, i was feeling rather emo and not myself. and to add on to my emoness, i bumped into this family of 5 hugging one another at the departure hall. they were saying their last goodbyes. and when i saw the son giving a long and tight hug to his mom, i almost felt like tearing. obviously, they cant bear to leave one another. and i guess, the son would be leaving for quite a long long period of time.. i hate to see these types of parting scenes. saddening leh. hai.

gonna end off the post with my favorite pic already. it's time for sleep. tml gonna be a busy day. oyasuminasai. =)

when you thought that you have gotten it right.
when friendships are being taken for granted.
when you learn how to cherish, only after losing..

as i was dozing in the train just now, i suddenly thought of newyorknewyork and i couldnt sleep already. FUCK NEWYORKNEWYORK AND THEIR SERVICE.

yesterday we went to nyny for our dinner. all was well and fun until when meijun discovered this metal thingy inside her $10 burger. and of course, as normal human beings, we requested for a change. so this waiter came and took the burger away and returned to us saying that if we like, we can order another thing and it will be free. fuckit. so thinking that a chocolate fondue would be just nice to be shared around, we ordered that $15 dessert. we ate and ate and chatted and laughed and fooled around and before we knew it, it was time to go. there comes our bill and the fondue was charged, so we brought up the matter to them. and, this funny-looking manager came to us and apologized saying to us that they will not be charging for the burger, but will be charging for the fondue instead! and wtf is this? we paid extra for discovering a metal thingy in our meal?? WE SHOULD HAVE ARGUED YESTERDAY!! they are damn misleading can! where's their standard of service??!?

NEVERMIND. i shall treat it as a lesson learnt. next time, i swear i will argue back if i come across this kind of thing again. bloodyhell. we should have turned the table and siqi should have took up the forks and throw at them. sukie should have smack them with the volleyballs. yanni should have slammed them with the simpsons poster. sorry. i dont know why i so agitated. next time if i never argue, your can shove the metal thing up my ass. god. i am so vulgar.

more photos and updates later.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

life has been great for me, both socially and at work.

work hasnt really been busy and things are still as manageable. though some of the tasks can be really mundane, but we are there to learn! so let's just start from the basics and slowly work our way up! take things nice and easy first. =) friday was yanni's birthday and she received a very well-done card from the threesome. but most of the handicraft stuffs were done by jacelyn, the artist. =) anyway, HAPPY 90TH BIRTHDAY, MRS ECCLESSABU! HAHA. GREAT LIFE YOU HAVE HUH. EAT BREEKS LEH.

well, as for social life, i had been spending quite a few days shopping after work. most of the shopping were done with yujia, mainly because she works at haborfront and because she is yearning to shop too. haha. friday's shopping was done with her again, plus shujuan!! it was so nice to catch up with her! the time spent at Mac's was the best larh. hahaha. i hope there will be more catching up with the other classmates soon as well. hahahahahahaha.

saturday, which was today, was spent swimming with yujia at 9am at yewmei. i've got a healthy lifestyle leh. hahaha. yes, i got tanned again. afternoon was spent walking around at IMM with yujia too. it is super tiring to be spending the whole of saturday with her. hahah. ting came to join at 4pm and thanks for the swensens treat, yujia! :D evening was spent at singapore poly's auditorium listening to Swiss Winds. I MISS BAND SO MUCH!!! i miss wearing that bright blue shirt to swiss every saturday lehzxcv. i cant recognize most of the juniors in band already but it was great to be able to see all those people like feroz, jocelyn, dustin, eugene, mr ravi and miss seah after 3 years!! somehow, i yearn for time to turn back so that i can relive the nice time i had in swiss, not forgetting my poly life too.. hmmm.

alright. tml afternoon will be spent at cityhall with yanni and class already! more catching ups and photo takings and laughters! :D

i dont wish to grow up.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

this is the class of 2A7. Greenridge Primary School, 1997.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

thank you, i love you mom. haha. i am so touched when the moment i reached home, my mom gave me 20 bucks to take a cab down to my grandma house. the trip down to my grandma house was sort of a last minute decision and since i had already dated someone for the night, i went ahead with my own plans instead. in the end, i only reached home around 9 plus and my dear old sweet mom gave me money for cab. awwwwww. thanks mom!

so currently i am at my granny house, stoning. hahah. tml shall be my first official day off from work. well, i skipped work for an important thing okay. i dint skip just because i am lazy! so dont miss me too much, yanni and jacelyn. thursday you shall be seeing me once again. :D work is getting more boring. the excitement is no longer there anymore and i am not really looking forward to the days i'm working. roar. there is still 3 more months to go.

swiss serenade at singapore poly this coming saturday!

Friday, April 04, 2008

OMGOMG. it's hard not to gain weight in Jetstar.

every morning, when i wake up, i will have my breakfast at 5.30am. after that, my stomach will start growling at around 10am in the office. sometimes i will try to ease the hunger by gulping down lots of water, but sometimes, i will maybe pop a biscuit or two in. and by 12pm, which is our lunch time, i will either be starving like mad, or full already. however, lunch is still forever super filling. their large servings filled our stomach like nothing, causing me to skip my dinner everyday, after i reached home. BUT EVEN SO, I STILL GAINED WEIGHT. *&$@#**@#*@#!!!!!!!

i havent been updating, mainly due to the reason that i have been going out after work for the past few days! wahseh. steady steady pom pi pi arh. wednesday night was out with yujia for some catching up. she finally managed to get a job after so long larh. lol. thursday night was out with yujia, again, for some shopping. today was out for haircut and simple dinner with friend.

anyway, i've learnt to take things in my stride. what's meant to be will be. i shall let nature take its own course, for as long as i've knowed i performed my best and have not let myself down, then i shall be happy already.

i have a sudden thought. i might be planning to futher my studies in Australia worh, after hearing what jacelyn had said about an aviation property mangement course or some sort being offered there. my interest in aviation is gradually increasing everyday, ever since i started working in Jetstar. hmmm. who knows what might happen, but aviation is definitely one of the areas i am looking at.

i've start making mistakes at work already. on thursday, i made a grave mistake. i keyed and posted invoices using the wrong account, which happens to belong to my colleague's. so if there is any figure wrong or if there is anything missing, my colleague will be in deep trouble. and this is quite a serious issue to an accoutant i think. if the wrong invoices are being made, you have to make all the necessary adjustments and etc which can be quite tedious. but thank god, all the invoices i posted were, thankfully, correct. yes, mistakes are there to help you learn. if i never make this mistake, probably the next time, i would have used her account to post the wrong invoices instead already. (: we are learning everyday. and thanks mj for brightening up my morning again. hahaha. i sincerely hope that picture will stay confidential. lolol.

and yah, ron dropped by Jetstar on wednesday. it feels good to be able to see him again. no, not because i loved him, but because his presence makes me reminiscence about our poly days. this year, the new dtrm batch has increased their intake to 140 students already le worh. other courses in SB have also been increasing their intake too. yah, so you can imagine, when we return back to school during october, we must learn to run and snatch the chickens in FC6 stall before all the chickens are swiped out.

the other day, when i was looking at the mirror, my nose bled. i think the reflection i saw was too good already. sorry. kidding larh. the phlegm i spat out had blood too. OMG. this is the first time my nose bled lah. i know it's nothing serious and probably because i was too heaty, but i am still quite startled. i have never nose bleed before for my entire life.

next saturday, swiss serenade at singapore poly! and yanni's birthday gathering on the day after that! ah ma's house this weekend! 3 months and 3 more weeks of internship to go! so fast!

time to sleep! till then, take care everyone. =)