Friday, February 24, 2006

so tired.. ve been working four days straight.. monday 12 - 4, tuesday 6 - 10, wednesday 6 - 10, thursday 12 - 4.. tired seh.. tml gonna work the night shift again.. heard from the seniors there say that saturdays night are the most busiest time of the week.. my bones are gonna break into two.

getting used to the environment there le. the seniors there are quite friendly, especially one of the uncles in the kitchen. lol. so crappy. zzz. got a test coming up seh. testing us on the codes of the foods and stuffs. feel as if i am studying for Os again. zzz.

hmm. went to catch " i not stupid II " yesterday. the show was not bad, quite touching too. saw quite a number of females crying in the theatre. lol. btw, i was sitting at the last row.

sian... gonna go slack liao.. see ya.

Monday, February 20, 2006

one day. one fine day, i shall take a picture of the beautiful broom. hah.


went to work for the afternoon shift. initially everything was ok, until when one of the seniors there ask me to sweep the floor. my god. the broom was so long lor.. so tough to handle.. even for me ( i am tall =D ). then bang here bang there.. what's worst, the broom was " half-botak ".

after that, one of them went to mop the floor. i must admit besides being deaf, i am blind too. i actually went walk right into the wet area, depsite someone putting a caution board there. so end up, i performed the flying act. the manager saw it. what a good impression.

well, sad to say, i dint learn my lesson. performed another flying act again when i went to take the cultery. wa. this time, more embarrassing. even the customers saw it. guess the customers are scared of me. luckily, at both times, i was not serving any food or drinks. or else.. .............................

after work, went to meet my sis for mac. when walking, out of a sudden, i kneel straight onto the ground, for no reason. -.-. how i wish i was an ostrich then. i could just easily dig a hole in the ground and stuff my whole blardy head in. it was so embarassing and so sia sway. even ah mas also saw it.

` i am such a failure. sadded.

Friday, February 17, 2006

feeling so bored now.. so came up here to update... had a long and tiring day.

just finished making the "thank you" cards for da teachers. 8 of them althogether. yea. i am so THOUGHTFUL. haha. but then the cards are like so ugly lo.. shall post them another day. gonna give them the cards when we return to school to collect our testimonials, may be some day next week, hopefully. haha.

went for job interview today at thaiexpress with yumei, ting and biscuit. wa. they only ask us to fill in some application form and straight away employed us le. then they asked us to go collect our uniforms at some office located besides NEXT PAGE pub at 18 muhammed sultan road.

well. at first someone ( and i shall not mention who. haha. ) led the way and we followed. we walked all the way from plaza singapura to PARKLANE. only then we realised we are lost. so we called back to thaiexpress and asked about that place again.

found out that we have to take a bus at PARKMALL which is opposite plaza sing and alight at the third bus stop. so we walk all the way back to plaza sing again before reaching PARKMALL. however, we were so happy to find out that there was no such bus as 193 at the bus stop. -.- !!! in the end, we decided to walk there.

SO, we walk. and we walk. and we walk walk walk walk .......................

FINALLY, after at least 40 minutes of walking, and with much crappings and pespiration, we reached THE place. BUT, the woman in charge had left for lunch. so we went to the nearby coffeeshop to have a drink.

and we waited. and we waited waited waited...........................

after about 30 minutes, we went back there to look for the woman, and FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY, we collected our shirt. -.-. however, by then it was raining chickens and ducks. so diao lo. one moment, it was so sunny, the other moment, raining liao.

took 188 at habourfront to lot 1. dunno how long the ride took. was stoning. guess too much walkings liao. -.-" . then went to eat at long john before heading for popular and lastly, home. home sweet home.

and i shall end my entry. i dunno what to type. and i am still so bored. haha.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

hahaha. wrapped this myself just now. chio right. can put up for exhibition liao. LOL. the black and white one looks like some alien with two ears seh. -.-. sadded. nvm. i will try harder next time. lol.

` happy birthday to shujuan and tingting!

gonna withdraw tml le. hai. will miss 0612A badly. =(

` 0612A rocks.

Monday, February 13, 2006

That's what happened to " da tou " after shu juan slammed him into one of the poles in the bus today. Poor him.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

hmm. what should i get for shujuan's bdae present? heh heh.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

sadded. i lost my ez-link card. went to cck interchange to check. then the person there ask me to get a replacement which costs $19, IF i am staying on in JC. If i am going poly, just use the adult card for another 1 and a 1/2 months lor. wa. the adult fare so ex sia. going out once will already cost me at least $2 of transportation fees seh. dunno where all the money went to..

after that went to westmall for swensens.. had salmon and mushroom baked rice.. initially it tasted ok. but as i eat.. wa... feel like vomiting everything out liao. not my type, i guess. haha. mr seow treated us "earthquake". 7 of them. altogether 100+ ba.. haha. the main course we paid ourselves. paiseh ma. lol.

after that went arcade.. with shujuan, yujia, xinyi, weewee and keetwan. lol. played some games. it was hilarious. it was damn funny to see shujuan play lo. all sorts of funny funny actions one.. lol. =x. after that went walk walk lo. spent quite some time in a shop looking for someone's bdae present. hope that person will appreciate it. muahahha. not like last year, threw the present we gave her in one of her cupboards and never touch it again. -.-. LOL. after then went into the phone shop and look lo. i want W800i. so chio.

zzz. still thinking of JC and poly right now. i am so fickle-minded. lol.

Friday, February 10, 2006

woohoo. very satisfied with my results. =D. never in my whole life did i expect to get such results...! now i am having second thoughts on where to go. and i need advice. poly or jc. i prefer poly lor. but pple are telling me that if i go poly, very wasted. i dunno. i very indecisive one. HELP.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

TML is THE day. wonder how will tml be like. feeling nervous now liao lo. meeting ting, shujuan, pinghan and xinyi for breakfast and bowling in the morning.. we still got the mood to bowl seh. haha. after that then go to sch and BUG the teachers ba. heh.

hai. decided to go poly le. either ngee ann poly or singapore poly ba. cause i scared i cant cope with JC.. later after one year flunk every tests. like that very saddening one lor. besides, i dont like GP. haha..

Innova Junior College is a good school lo. cant bear to leave.. especially my cg class. arugh. hope that we can still keep in contact after the first three months. =).

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


so torn apart between poly and jc now.. especially after reading the straits times. it mentioned that for a poly student, who chose to study overseas, would normally take around 4 years to get himself a diploma and a degree but for a jc student, it would take 5 years. it also said something about a guy's experience, saying that initially, he chose to take the jc route. However, after the promotional exam, his results were either Cs and Ds. Then, he decided to head for poly, saying that he has wasted 1 year.

yep. so that reminds me of myself. i have am already beginning to dislike gp now. i have no interest in it lo. wonder how am i going to pass the exams in this way. besides, i am becoming more and more slack liao. lol. everything push to last minute one.. can hack one, then i hack. haha. if this continues, i sure die one. lol. how to cope with jc life !?

but then, it brings me back to think about the future if i take the poly route. what courses shall i take? and do i have enough financial support to allow me to study overseas, if i did not make it into the local universities? and most importantly, what will my parents think?

hai. dunno what to do now.. left about 3-5 more days to decide? haha. i know i am kiasu.. but cant help it la.. a few days aint enough for me to think about this problem one. lol.

AND i still dunno whether i should pon tml or not. its like if i pon and i chose to take the poly route, this would probably be the last day of my JC life. its like so sad lor. lol. will miss my present classmates one lo. but then tml ends at 5.40 lo. still got 2.5 hrs of physics practical. dont feel like coming at all.

hai. sadded la. so many things need to decide. arugh.

muahaha.. today dismissed at 12.10. lol. loved mr bryan lim seh.. now in the sch library.. waiting for SHUJUAN, XINYI and TINGTING. again, they must be feeling so honored.. =) sian. nothing to do seh. not planning to study for econs test, since i am not going to sch tml. -.-. no econs test, no homework, no pe, no 2.5 physics practical. lol. oh ya, innova gave us the day off on friday. so we DONT have to report to school. cheers.

should i go to poly or jc? one thing i like about poly is that it does not have general paper. i DISLIKE general paper. lol. haha. but then, it would be hard to enter the uni seh. need to be damn hardworking lor.. besides, i still haven think of what courses to take if i am taking the poly route. business? engineering? life sciences? hai... ....

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

!! left three more days? arugh. not planning to come to school on friday. gonna have breakfast with frens. =D. they call it the " last meal " . Lol. hope everything goes well on friday..

sian seh. having a terrible headache now.. dunno why.. maybe run too much liao? Lol. ran 8 rounds today for pe lo.. still ok la.. haven die yet.. but the 30 crunches almost killed me.. -.-.

should i go to school on thursday? actually wanna pon de, along with the others. then no need to do econs test and attend the 2.5 hrs of physics practical liao. hahaha. but like that end up only three people will be attending the chinese lesson on that day lo. still got chinese presentation.. wonder how the teacher is gonna teach with three peeps.. lol.

yeas. tml only got physics tutorial, gp and chemistry practical. haha. gonna be dismissed at 12.40.

i LOVE wednesdays and fridays.

Monday, February 06, 2006


!!! O level results coming out on friday le!! 10-2-06, 2.30pm.. !!!!!! so fast seh.. wasnt quite prepared to receive the results?? hope everything goes well for me seh.. quite worried now.. wonder how i will score.. hmm. all the best to the peeps out there.. hahaha.

sian... now in the school library waiting for OH SHU JUAN and NEIW TING TING. they must be so honored seh... waited for them for about 1 hr.. wa..

went to sch as usual today.. nth much happen. ting went berserk as usual. was so sleepy throughout the tutorials, especially econs.. sia la.. tml still got maths test... thursday got econs test.. dont think i will be studying for them ba.. anyway, why cant the results be released today? then we wont have pe, tests and homework liao lo..

hmm. should i come to come to school on thursday and friday?

` waiting for Mr Jason Seow to treat me SWENSENS

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Lol. This is my second post of the day ba. Finally.. managed to finish the gp essay - the importance of attending school. -.-. yeps. wrote some craps in it. =x. yeps. ting helped to "liven" up my blog. she claimed that it was like so dead. lol. but anyway, thanks. its nice eh. hahaha. sia la. still haven finish my homework seh.. still got chinese worksheet, which is half-done and a chinese blog. -.- . gonna work on that now liao. see ya.


wahaha. finally. i finished my blog.