Sunday, December 31, 2006


i graduated from swiss, the school which holds most of my fond memories, and moved on to innova junior college with ting, shujuan, xinyi, pinghan, clement and other swiss peeps.. the days in innova were fun. always having lunch together and even joined the same cca (bowling/shooting). experienced a different school life, learnt new stuffs and made more friends. however, later on due to some reason, i withdraw from jc and went out to work.

work was tiring. i took up my first part-time job at Plaza Singapura's ThaiExpress where i knew beeleng, chernchern, ivan and gang. they are very nice peeps, always guiding and teaching me the ropes of being a waitress. lol. but throughout the months, the environment there changed. people come people leave. and eventually i stopped working a few months back.

in april, i entered singapore poly and met the class DTRM02. Life in SP was super different from sec sch and jc. there werent as many subjects to study and there were more projects and presentations. poly life made me open up and pick up more skills.. but i couldnt really adapt to the life there. i miss the usual muggings i did at nite and the times i spent with my sec friends.. but i think i am getting used to it already..

my family also got closer i feel. my parents seldom quarrel and my sis and i seldom fight. life is quite peaceful at home and it's getting better. my father tends to make more jokes, my mum shouts lesser and looks younger and my sis begin to do crazy stuffs..


^&*(%$. my grandma's health has been getting poorer throughout the year. her heart and legs have been giving her problems. everytime she walks for some time, she will get breatheless and broke out in cold sweat. the recent trip to bangkok made her even weaker la due to all the walkings. and i dint manage to stay at her house this hols!! :( my sis and i always make it a point to stay over at her house for a few weeks to accompany her during every hols. but this hols, i couldnt make it. eeeks. but luckily my sis was there to accompany her. i swear to stay over during the 2-month break.

i hope 2007 will be a smooth sailing one for her and my family and my friends and everyone else. hope they will have a blessful and happy year ahead. especially for ting and yujia as they would be taking their As already. and ting, hope 2007 will be a smooth and more happy year for you yah.

goodbye 2006..
welcome 2007!!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

yay. returned from bangkok two days ago. home is still the best place to be..

the trip to bangkok was fun.


- finally get to travel by plane for the first time in my life. LOL
- stayed at pathwamun princess hotel
- went to the nearby shopping center followed by night market.
- went back hotel. the hotel room was super cold.
- next morning, went to pray the "si mian fo"
- at night, we went to have our buffet on a cruise.
- went back hotel.
- woke up at 4am and vomitted.
- couldnt sleep after that and came down with fever and more vomittings.
- took the 9plus pm flight back to singapore.
- the night scenery is super super duper duper NICE!!!!
- slept at 2.30am.


went back to swiss to helped miss seah with some admin work. omg.. I MISS SWISS COTTAGE SECONDARY SCHOOL!!! I MISS SWISS LIFE! I MISS THE SMELL OF THE BAND ROOM! I MISS THE SMELL OF MY TYSES! I MISS EVERYTHING LAH! FIRST TIME SO HAPPY TO GO SCHOOL. walao. but managed to see most of the teachers except mrs heng. :( brought back some small presents for the juniors too.. went for dinner after that with them. hahaha. all in all, today was a GREAT day! :D

- though i recovered from fever and vomitting, cold sores came to attack me. damn itchy seh.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

i should be happy about going overseas tml but i am not. hai.

- this christmas is so different from before.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

this whole week was super busy.. 've been out everyday.. but i am glad that at least got ting and yujia to bring up my mood.. haha.

another busy week ahead. going to thailand from monday to wednesday. and tml's flag day. i am left with the half of tml and whole of sunday to complete my part for two projects..

will i able to do it in time?

- that sense of achievement after OM presentation

Friday, December 22, 2006

went for Felicia's Christmas Bus Ride today. brought the handicapped people from The Cheshire Home to Orchard for a small tour. i dint know it was the same home that i did for my CD cip until when i saw the same auntie whom i was always talking to during my cip. she still remember me. hahah.

hmmm. IDEAS meeting tml followed by meeting up with ting and yujia to wrap the small gifts for band juniors.. busy busy.

- tired out

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


tried doing accounts just now, but i just cant concentrate. hmmm.

" yah. ting. i feeling much better. thought it thru last nite already. lol. u fever arh? haha. no wonder the whole afternoon you keep saying u feel damn hot. LOL. takeCARE!! "

- sian sian sian

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

met that two EVIL people at CCK mrt station in the morning. lol. the meeting time was supposed to be 7.20 but they told me 7.10 instead, cause they predict i will be late as usual. lol. but cruel eh. make me wake up early in the morning before 6.30. in the end when i reached there around 6.28, they are still not there yet. -.-

hmm. so went to Bukit Panjang's family centre to bring the kids to the goat farm. the 3 of us were being allocated 7 kids each. but some of them dint turn up and i was left with only 2 kids (siblings) . heh. they were quite quiet at first. talked to the boy - jovan, and he dao-ed me. talked to the girl - tricia, she kept quiet. -.- am i that scary? lol. but after some time, everything began to heat up liao. before boarding the bus, they were getting very active..


on the way there, they talked non-stop and played non-stop lah. very tiring. and they dropped my phone on the floor.. T.T!!

so we went to see the goats - how they milk the goats, the baby goats and some other stuffs..

then after that, went to visit another place where they make those pottery things. the kids did some painting there before leaving back for the centre.. and on the way back, together with tingting, they played and sang. lol.


the kids left the centre around 12 plus and we went off for our lunch. took the risk of boarding any bus that came first and see where it will bring us. and we landed in causeway point. had Jack's Place and walked around for awhile, looking for Mr Chew's christmas present before heading for Gelare for dessert. 1/2 price. heh heh. typical singaporeans. lol. but we end up almost vomiting cause the servings were too large.. =/

walked a few more rounds again before heading to Lot 1 to return some library books. and this time, we managed to buy Chew's present and some stuffs for the juniors. would be going back to swiss winds on the 29th with them. after that, sat in the kopitiam talked talked for awhile before heading back for home around 8.40.


sometimes, meeting up with them makes me regret my choice of choosing poly. lol. i know JC life is more suitable for me. its exactly my style. studying and studying. everyday study. i will feel more comfortable in JC. But, i chose poly instead cause i was thinking that by going out of my comfort zone, i would be able to pick up more stuffs, expose myself to more things.. this is true. i learnt more stuffs - presentations and of course, my diploma modules.

but sometimes, i even thought of going to JC after 1st yr. but that would be impossible. i would have wasted my parents' hard-earned money. wasted my time. and also, like what ting said, i would be struggling like hell if i go there as i would have forgot all my basics..


i gotta refocus myself and stop thinking of all these stuffs and study well for the end of year exams. since i am in poly already, i must study hard and make the best out of it.

- i wont regret.

Monday, December 18, 2006


the malacca trip was pretty relaxing. 've been sleeping throughout the three days. sleep on bus. sleep during leisure time. sleep at night. sleeping everywhere. shall upload the pics next time.. hmm. i dont know why. but i am still feeling very tired.

hai. i need to work. but i dont feel like going back to ThaiExpress.. hai..

projects? studies? cca? work?

- i hope my sis will get well soon..

Saturday, December 16, 2006

three-week break !!! :D:D

went to Vivocity this afternoon before going off for our class outing - watching magic show at Expo.

shall update more when i get back from Malacca on Monday nite.

- it hurts.
The Vivo Peeps.
The very nice weather.
In the Water.
My Dream Pet. LOL.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


OM is OVER too!!!!!!!!!!!! our presentation was super duper smooth man. :D:D

as i've got nothing to do from 3 plus all the way till 5 (felicia's meeting), i took the train towards boonlay. slept all the way till lavender, before getting down and taking the other way back. i know it sounds crazy. but seriously, i've got nothing to do and i've got mrt concession anyway. haha.

- i floated home today.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

the last battle.
Organisational Management.
i think our group will do well.

i am feeling super tired already. it's been a long time since i last have a real and nice weekend.

though projects are over, there's still events. haix.

- i really cant wait for friday to come.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

GGT is finally FINALLY over. CHEERS. i am actually looking forward to OM presentation, which wil mark the end of our sufferings.

voluntary work with ting and yujia on 19th Dec. will be going to the goat farm with a bunch of kids. :D


the world is a cruel place. everybody are fighting for themselves. but, ONLY the strongest will survive.


- next year, everything will change.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Upcoming Stuffs...

1) Freshmen Orientation Meeting (not going)
2) Event Meeting
3) Event Publications
4) GGT Project (tuesday)
5) OM Project (thursday)
6) PTH (least important)

i screwed up the RedCrossHome secretary job. stupid me. handed in the cca record forms without the indemnity forms. what am i thinking !!!???

Once PTH is over on Friday, i think i will go mad.

time tells everything.
i am getting emotionally unstable all over again. what the hell is wrong with me?

- you will never know..

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

ponned GEMS today. too tired to go. my mind will be switched off anyway.. haha.

let's see what's up for the this week and next..

This Week
Thursday - CRS Discussion Cafe

Next Week
Tuesday - GEMS CA2, GGT Report and Presentation
Wednesday - OM Report
Thursday - OM Presentation, CRS Reading Programme (?)
Friday - PTH Presentation thingy

wasnt feeling very well emotionally these few days. thinking of too much things already. i think one day i will go siao. -.-

- hols are coming, but i am still not motivated. haha.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Friends are not like rain that pours and goes
It's more like the air
sometimes keeping quiet,
but is always there constantly hanging around

i miss my good friends.
i miss yujia and tingting.
i miss the good old days. =(
they are the ones who know my personality
and know me the best...

guess i have to stop clinging on to the past
life will still have to move on for the three of us..

but for now, who can i turn to....?

- i am not that sort of person.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

haha. i am finally back from ron's event.

ron's event went quite smoothly. he was super stressed up in the morning lah, one moment worrying about having not enough volunteers and the other moment worrying about not having enough elderlys. lol. but yay, everything went well..

feeling super tired now. gonna go take a afternoon nap before i start chionging for my projects at night. nite !

- go with the flow

Friday, December 01, 2006

projects are making me mentally and physically sick.. i have been thinking a lot for the past few days..

firstly, i think i studied too much for my Os already because i find that my mind is super duper dead. i cant come up with creative and new ideas easily. during brainstorming times, i feel super demoralized. i would hate myself for not being able to think "out of the box" and contribute new ideas to the group. i could only quietly listen to their ideas and think of ways to improve them. really feel disappointed with myself..

second would be stage-frights. i have still yet to overcome them. i have been having stage frights since long long time ago. during my secondary school days, my face would turn red super easily when teachers called me to just say out or to present my answers. i feel so stupid sia. lol. after i came to poly, i knew that i am gonna be dead cause i realized that presentations happen to us pretty often and we wont be able to avoid them for sure.. sometimes, before the start of my presentations, in order to comfort myself, i would reassure myself that there is nothing to be afraid about, standing and speaking in front of a class of 20-40 peeps. but in the end, i would still end up shivering like mad and getting tongue-tied as i continued to utter rubbish. what's worst, sometimes, i fear that with my lousy presentation skills, my group's overall performance will be pulled down. furthermore, my pronounciation is really bad.

but, on the other hand, i am really glad that i managed to make more friends in poly. i thought, with my sort of character, i wont be able to adapt to poly life easily. and true, initially, i couldnt really adapt to it. the type of people there and the way how things work are really different from my style. haha. but i am really thankful that i made those friends. otherwise, i would be super lonely in poly and my poly life would not have been fun.

i dont know why i am suddenly thinking of all those things.. perhaps i am starting to appreciate life more and more now and starts to reflect on my actions and stuffs. or perhaps i dint have enough sleep. -.-

enough of my rubbish. ron's event tml. hope everything goes well. gonna go slp liao. nite!

- you.