Friday, January 26, 2007

motivation, where are you!

i need to get a job. i am broke x broke already.

- woodlands library is a good place to study... and stone.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

the blood capillaries in one of her eyes burst on friday. her vision was partially blocked and yet i only come to know of it on sunday night.

she broke down, crying silently in the kitchen. yet no one knows. not even my grandfather as he was out. no one was there to comfort her. no one was there to talk to her. suicides thoughts one again flashed before her mind. she blamed herself for being unhealthy, for being sick, for being a burden to everyone.

when i spoke to her through the phone just now, i realise how lonely and sad she has been. everyday she yearned for someone to be able to accompany her, to talk to her, to chat with her. yet the only thing that surround her is loneliness.

she is one super nice, kind and capable woman. in their kampong times, my grandfather was one bad guy. he left my grandma to struggle alone. he never ever bring home any money nor lifted a single finger to help out with the household chores. my grandma did it all by herself. my grandfather only knew how to drink and smoke and return home all drunk. and when he doesnt like it, he will scold and beat up his children and my grandma. my grandma quarrelled with him many times and there was once, she almost committed suicide. however, she couldnt bear to leave her children behind and hence she hanged on, till today. yes, my grandfather has changed for the better. as he grew older, he realised the importance of kinship and began to reflect upon his actions. today, my grandfather has become one kind soul. and they are one loving couple. :)

however, as a person grows older, he/she tends to get sick easily. both my grandparents suffer from diabetes. my grandfather has high blood pressure while my grandma has heart problems. but my grandma is the much weaker one. i hope she will hang on, like how she did it all this while. hope she has the determination to fight off all her diseases. hope she will regain her strength back and stay as cheerful as before. though my grandma's sisters said that bursting of blood capillaries has occurred to them before and the clot will clear in no time, i am still worried for her. what if the clot never clear up? what if her diabetes make the blood clot worst? ... i think i am scaring myself..

get well soon, grandma. :)

- i hate myself for neglecting her. if not for her, i probably would not have existed in this world.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

sometimes i wish i would never have to grow up, like peter pan. that way, i would still be a kid and leading a carefree, happy and simple life.

damn. i miss those days i spent in my old flat when i was still in primary school. though it was just a three-room flat, i still love it. life was simple and happy back then. every weekday morning, my parents would fetch me and my sis to my grandma house (which is just a block away) before they leave for work and my grandma would take care of us until my parents fetch us back home again, usually after 9 plus. ahhh. those afternoons we spent at my grandma house were nice. those stupid but fun games i played with my sis during our school vacations, the many plastic cooking toys we had, the dolls we used to play with, the lego sets we used to build, the coloring books, puzzle books and all those shiny stickers. hahahah. and on weekends, my parents would be at home, bickering about who to sweep and mop the floor while me and my sis would be lazing around and watching cartoons. and not forgetting those once in a while family outings to temples and shopping centres. and the best thing is on sundays, when my dad is in a super good mood, he would go to the nearby market to dabao spring chicken for us! hahaha. yay. those were the old days..

but now, i am 18 already, even though i felt like i am a 16. and in another two years' time, i will be 19 and graduating from singapore poly.. going to the university means another 3 to 5 eyars more of studying before i step into the society to work. by then, i would be around 23 years old. and if i took the other route - taking up a job after i graduate from poly, i would be probably working till i retired. omg. that sounds pretty old to me. no more fun, no more play, and a whole lot more of responsibilities. and unknowingly a few years later, it would means having a steady career, getting married, having a family and pop! i would be a 65 year old ahma taking care of her grandchildren already.

times flies super fast. 18 years has already passed. and if another 18 years pass, i would be 36 years old already. omg. 36!! too old for me. guess i must learn how to play and enjoy life more while i still have the youth and time and not wait till i am some old lady before i start doing the things i like to do. by then, i would probably be too tired to do those stuffs already. and these stuffs would gradually turn into regrets. -.-

enough of thinking. back to profit and loss appropriation account.

- spend each day meaningfully

Friday, January 19, 2007


the 2 videos are finally done. hope the songs and stuffs are okay....

bet tml i will be late for tml's 8am PTH lesson again, as usual. ciao.

- friends...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

today was one long day.

went to clare's house right after school to film DTRM02's version of Deathnote. super creative of sukie and gang to come up with this idea as our last present for junelin. haha. yes, the whole process was fun. all those NGs scenes, laughing scenes, etc. but tiring lah, though i didnt do as much as compared to others.. hmm. bet they are more tired than mee.

having a bloody headache right now. though i slept from 10pm-7am yesterday nite, i still feel super tired today. zzz. and omg. i have not done any revision this week at all. and there's only 12 more days left to end-of-year exams already. i must stop slacking! -.-

back to CRS reading programme.

- all endings are also beginnings.

Monday, January 15, 2007


our beloved shop

our stylish Versign bag ( + our operation manager 's face)

our instruction booklet: 6 simple designs

and how to strap up your Versign

our whole package

our presentation

our CEO looking happy after presentation

designer and finance manager



goodbye, Versign. =)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

last presentation tml. :)

- hope everything will be alright

Saturday, January 13, 2007

i deleted the last entry cause i dont know what the hell i am talking about. what more carefree life. crap. -.- guess i was too irritated and start to think stupid stuffs. felicia's event finally ended today, with only 12-14 participants turning up. hai. think the event came at the wrong time. cause everybody is busy with their projects, studies and other stuffs, thus the response wasnt that good..


resolutions for 2007

1. be more motivated to study
2. be more responsible
3. stop using vulgar language
4. get a part-time job and earn $$$$
5. spend more time with my family, esp my grandma
6. stay cool when facing problems
7. talk more
and of course,
8. get good results


cherish the loved ones around you,
for you may not know what will happen next.

- just a word of thanks and it brightened up my day.

Friday, January 12, 2007

reports reports REPORTS !!

what i learnt after doing a week of reports : the longer you drag a project, the more you get sick and tired of it. and the efficiency drops. so get it over and done with.

feel really bad to make LeAnn run all the way to hand in the IDEAS report.. sorry..
thanks tingting for being there to hear me whine for the past week. lol.

- let's mug

Thursday, January 04, 2007

yesterday was one tiring day.
today was another tiring day.
tml will be another tiring day.

i dont have the energy and motivation to stay up late and chiong for my studies already. nowadays, i am sleeping at 11 plus and waking up at 8 plus. the motivation that i had during Os disappeared right after the last paper..

we've got only 6 chances in our 3 years to do something about our GPA - adapted from pohlim.

this sentence woke me up.


i still feel tired. -.-

- redbull

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

another three more weeks after sch reopen and it would be our end-of-year exams already.

29 Jan : Principles of Tourism and Hospitality
1 Feb : Accounts
6 Feb : Geography of Global Tourism
7 Feb : Statistics
9 Feb : Organisational Management


i cant believe i am moving onto year 2 already. damn fast. another year and it would be ITP and poof! graduation day.

- i still dont understand accounts !!! ^%((*(^