Thursday, August 30, 2007

follow the notes upon a journey,
at first sight marks one's destiny.
once the voyage comes to an end,
return lies within heisty lines.

hahaha. i woke up at 11.30am today. life during the holidays is seriously damn great.
you wake up, you eat, you sleep, you go toilet, you go out, you meet up with friends, you play everyday, you chase after dramas like nobody's business. wowow. FREEDOM. ahhh. hahaha.

so in the afternoon, i met up with sinhui and tong for high tea at secret receipe. lol. a cake and a drink. cheap cheap. it costs less than 7 bucks. =)

anyway, sinhui is leaving for taiwan tml! hahahah. damn excited for her. lol. bon voyage and have a great time!! monopoly after you and jacelyn come back. hahahaha.

- life is fragile.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Steamboat at Tong's House
potential homeloving husband and housewife wannabes.
four of us
the other four
plus joshua and sinhui (i dont have the pics!)
nice time catching up with one another and having a blackout session together.
thanks tong for all those wonderful food prepared!
although you threatened to hack me with the butcher knife when i wanted to hack yanni. ooops.
changed my blog song already. credits to tong this time round. =)
- today, i lost a good friend. emoz.

Monday, August 27, 2007

i am back.
today is probably the most embarrassing time in my life.
rachael, sukie and i went to catch "Secret" at Cineleisure.
i think the show is quite good, especially how the storyline is being twisted.
but the ending was abit abrupt leh..
okay. that's not the funny thing.

the funny thing is....
we went into the cinema theatre and we happily sat down, waiting for the movie to start.
when we went in, we saw this couple sitting at our places.
WALAO EH. FUNNY LEH. SIT AT OUR SEATS. ^$&@#*( & $*@!!!!!!!!!
so never mind, we decided to take the empty seats that were beside them.
while waiting for the movie to start, we started talking and laughing.
the couple that sat at our seats began to diao us.
then i told rachael and sukie: walao. that couple, sit at our places still dare to diao us.
at the same time, sukie saw some angmohs in the theatre as well,
she thought that the movie "secret" has english subtitles,
so angmohs were interested to watch as well.

okay. so the movie started.
the first scene that appeared on the screen was some funny advertisement that played the ten ten ten ten wedding song,
and the next scene that followed was some angmoh couple walking out from the car.
rachael, sukie and me were stunned like shit.
we were literally stunned and we sat there,
thinking that this must be some kind of a joke or an advertisement.
must be joke, like the "end of movie" that appeared in the middle of the movie "Simpsons".

after a few seconds, we realised that something is very very very wrong.
so i turned to the couple that sat at our seats and asked them,
"excuse me, which cinema theatre is this?"
and the woman replied,"Theatre 8."
WTH. we were supposed to be in THEATRE 9, NOT 8!!!!
so i wanted to turn and tell sukie and rachael the shocking news,
but they have already ran out of the theatre hall already,
leaving me alone.
and so i ran behind laughing like some crazy woman.
laughing all the way into theatre 9.
and then, when we sat down laughing like hell, we thought we entered the wrong cinema again,
cause of some thai movie advertisement that was showing on the screen.
so that explains why our seats were taken at that cinema theatre and
the presence of angmohs in that threatre.
and we laughed even harder.

okay. end of story.
now for some entertainment news.
refer to class blog.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

holidays have never been that great. =)

DAY 1 Thursday
dtrm02 went to Miss June Lin's house for a delicious and wonderful dinner after our last paper.
watched the show "disturbia" later on.

DAY 2 Friday: Sentosa + Stayover at Weida's house
it was fun fun fun fun and filled with laughters and joy as everybody played and crapped around. ahhh. the joy of freedom. the taste of barcadi. the feel of coldness of the aircon. the tiredness from getting only a few hours of sleep.

DAY 3 Saturday: meet up with beeleng and the others later

vanessa, meijun and me, with 1/4 of weida's face weida, vanessa, meijun and me

the moat built by the 4 of us, plus our indonesian friend. =)


at weida's house

my brother and my sister

the girl who keeps laughing

penguin lol

okay. better get some sleep first before meeting them at 3. lol.

- movies, dramas, going out, shopping, jobs hunting

Thursday, August 23, 2007

PLAY PLAY PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!

its less than 5 minutes since i last blogged.
and i think my mood swings damn fast.
like those swings in the playground.


though it's the last paper,
my excitement has already disappeared.

i am left with 1 hour of revision and yet i am still blogging.
my thoughts drifted away again.

sometimes i wonder,
whether i have push myself to the limit.
other people might be facing the same thing, and they are coping well,
why cant i?
perhaps other people are even worst off than me.
so i should jolly well stop whining and accept everything.
i dont know what i am talking about.
it will be over soon.
kailin, strive on.

i am dropping back to my emo state already.

btw, thanks meijun for cheering me up last night.
that photo and caption works wonder.

- a forced smile

its 1.10am now.
and i am not studying my fmah. why?
because some stuffs cropped up and set me into thinking again.
what kind of person am i really?

it is the things that bind u that makes the decision,
this is what my friend told me.
this is so so true.

i am going to be so so screwed for tml's paper already.
i haven finish my revision paper.
and my mind is thinking of other things.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

this is going to be a very blessful entry.
it's early in the morning 9.45am.
maybe not really that early.
i woke up and suddenly i feel very blessed.
yes, i am blessed.

i have a wonderful family, wonderful relatives and wonderful friends.
ignoring the fact that my mom keeps shouting at me and nagging at me,
she is still superb.
ignoring the fact that my dad calls me by the name "zhu tou",
he is always there keeping the family going.
ignoring the fact that my sis shouted at me a few days back,
she is always there to make me laugh.

i have wonderful relatives that gave me stuffs that i would never have bought it in my life.
i have a wonderful aunt that brought me to countries that i would never have went.
i have a wonderful aunt that is so nice to allow me to shift the tuition to sunday morning so that i could study for fmah.
i have a wonderful grandma that always cook my favourite dish whenever i visit her.
i have a wonderful grandpa that always buy food for me and my sis whenever we are staying at our grandparents house.
i have wonderful friends that i can whine to, crap to, laugh at, laugh with, talk to and chat with.


last night, my grandma called to chat with me. i realised i have been neglecting them a lot. when my aunt came back from china during the national day period, i was so preoccupied with other stuffs that i only managed to see her twice only, during her 2-week stay in singapore. last night, i asked my grandma why she dint want to come to our house and stay. and she replied, telling me that my grandpa's health has been not very good. my grandpa's "on-the-faint" situation is happening more and more rapidly and he is sleeping more and more nowadays. luckily the holidays are going to be here soon, in fact, in less than 48 hours time. wowow. then i would be able to accompany my grandparents more. =)



Tuesday, August 21, 2007

i am feeling so excited right now.
cause i am left with 1 more paper.
and after that,
it would our beloved and wonderful and holy-days/holidays already.
HOLIDAYS LEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- jobs, anyone?

oh my freaking god.
i am having my blaw exam paper later, at 2pm.
why am i feeling so nervous right now?

Passing Off

when one trader represents his goods similar to that of the plaintiff

the plaintiff must prove three points:
1. he has a business goodwill to protect
2. the defendant committed acts of misrepresentation which leads to confusion and deception of the customers
3. it must be reasonably foreseeable that the misrepresentation will cause injury to the business or goodwill of another trader and there was in fact such injury or damage. hence, in order to succeed in the action for passing off, the plaintiff must either be carrying out a business in Singapore or have engaged in substantial pre-trading acticities in order to generate the goodwill he wishes to protect

Directors' Duties

1. he is expected to show the level of skill that a person of his knowledge or experience is expected to show
2. fiduciary duties
- he must act in the interest of the company
- he must exercise oiwers delegated to him only for the purposes for which they were delegated
- he must avoid getting himself into a position whereby there may be a conflict between his personal interest and his duty as a director
2. statuory duties
- recommending the amount of dividends to be paid and make sure that these dividends came from profits and not the capital of the company
- ensuring that the company keeps proper accoutning records

the power of a partner to bind the firm and his co-partners depend on whether he has acted in his capacity as a partner and dealt with the third party who belives or thinks that he is an agent and whether he has acted within his actual and apparent authority.

Memorandum of Assocation

- sets out the framework and the most basic important information
-> name of company
-> particulars of shareholders
-> sahre capital of the company
-> statement that indicates the first shareholders' intention to set up the company and the number of shares held by each of them

Articles of Assocation

- internal management of the company

- fingers crossed.

Monday, August 20, 2007

my friend once told me:
when u are overseas,
sometimes, you may be so preoccupied with taking photos that
you have actually miss out the most beautiful moment.
for once, dont take photo.
live at that moment
and that moment shall belong to you and the world forever.

wowow. i like this.

- enjoy the process and look forward to the end results.


Sunday, August 19, 2007

okay. i am feeling dead sleepy and tired right now.
i think it is the curse of being a night time activist.
you are more active at night.
you can only study and absorb better at night.
you get high when the night time comes.
you sleep during the day.
you get very tired easily during day time.
you sleep in a coffin.
you are afraid of the sun.
your fangs only appear at night.
you are a person who suck blood.
you are a vampire.
okay sorry.
getting out of track.
but i need something more interesting for me to do.
BLAW is making me feel very sleepy.

after reading the class blog, i realised that i dont know what i want my future to be like.
i dont want to work in travel agencies.
i dont want to work during public hoildays.
i dont want to be tour guides.
maybe i will be holding a job that is not tourism-related.
an accountant? a banker?
my friends say i've got that face.

okok. back to blaw.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

i was supposed to be studying blaw.
and yet, i went to play hexic.
and i even played till i broke my own record.
what the hell.
i think i can go and die already.

meeting up with tong and sukie tml at causeway.
cheesetarts!! HAHAHAHA

- 34 hours without sleep

its already 4.45am and i just finished chapter 7 of my blaw.
i am only at chapter 7!! omg.
i wanted to start on chapter 8 but i was getting quite sleepy and thus,
i decided to came here to take a rest.
i think i am really hooked onto online games and chatting online.
though i can start studying at 10.30pm today, i started studying only at 1 plus.
serves me right for talking too much online and playing too much online games.

i am giving tuition to my cousin at 10am later on, which means i have to wake up at 8.30am, that is, if i decide to sleep. but i think that's quite impossible. i am sure the moment i open my eyes after i sleep, the clock will be showing 3pm already. lol.

guess this is the first time i studied so late ever since i got into poly. the last time i did this was during Os. ahhh. i could study all the way till 7am the next morning. but now, as time passes, my body cannot tahan such long and torturing task already. lol.

okok. gonna start on law of torts soon.

- i need my breakfast.

Friday, August 17, 2007

went to sinhui's house to study.
studied from 1 plus till 3pm sharp.
took a break.
walking. youtubing. tving. monopolying.
enjoyed the monopoly session.
damn. jacelyn is power.
she killed the niao niao tuan.
one moment, i was fanning myself with my money,
and the other moment, i am giving away all my properties to her.
sinhui, with a very determined mind and strong willpower plus my wonderful eyepower and many lucks, fought with her till the very end.
but she still lost.
it was a great battle though.
left her house around 11pm.
took a quick bath and came online.
gonna start mugging on blaw later.

- 我一直都在

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

our lollipops are here already and i got the orange-flavored one. though i was hoping for lime. nonetheless, it is still cute. hahahah. now waiting for the second batch of goods to arrive. hahah.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

i wonder if all that information i have memorized will stay till 9am the next day.
the weightage of the paper is 50%!
all those information have to stay there by hook or by crook.

one more day,
and goodbye to you too.

i am still a bit irritated with my mum.
last night, i was so engrossed in studying and memorizing the reservations part
when suddenly, my mum came into the room and shouted
and the magic disappeared.
so she stood there, scolding and scolding.
she scolded me for wasting the electricity
and causing the electricity bill to shot up.
what the hell lah.
like i am the only one using computer at home.
she even kb till my dad woke up and he kb me also.
my dad thought i was not studying when i was really really studying.
he ordered me to switch off everything and go to sleep within 15 minutes.
damn sad my life.
just to let out my frustrations.

perhaps i should heed my friend's advice and get a mini generator. lol.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

hahah. omg. i have stopped studying since friday evening.
went to catch the simpsons on saturday at cine.
the movie was super funny lah.
thanks to sinhui, we managed to got a free popcorn and drink.
after that played around with sinhui's cousin.
she is so cute!
but i think i look like some frightening jiejie that wants to kidnap her.
cause she doesnt really want to hold my hand.
sat and talked for awhile before i went off.
my mum doesnt allow me to stayover at sinhui's house.
cabbed back to my grandma house and reached there around 1am.
bathed and fell asleep at the sofa while waiting for my hair to dry.

woke up at 12pm today,
took my lunch and went back to sleep. lol.
woke up again at 4 and spent the rest of the day sitting in front of the tv.
another day spent without doing revision.

IHRO exam on wednesday.
good luck, everyone!


Friday, August 10, 2007

i like this song.
very cheerful.
credits to meijun for introducing this song to me.
listening to this song makes me think of our ihro video
and the times we spent together fiming, doing the report, visiting the hotel.
and DTRM02.
time flies damn fast.

- will we be in contact after we graduate?

it's friday already.
the week flew by damn fast.
ihro is hardly done.
i barely started on my blaw and fmah.
on top of that,
i lost my blaw chapter 12 notes and tutorial 13 and ihro f&b notes
and i dont have the answers for the blanks for IHRO supporting functions.

take it slow and easy.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

i was chatting with sukie and i realised that she haven recover from that bloody lame virus that spreaded like fire yesterday night, and burning some of the dtrm02 peeps alive.

i was asking her why she is allergic to honeydew and she niaoed me back.
sukie: cos i allergic lor
sukie: tats y turn my attention to xi gua
kailin.: why allergic
sukie: ha
sukie: allergic means allergic lah
sukie: how i know
kailin.: LOL
kailin.: as in what iwll happen
kailin.: you think i so niao meh
kailin.: walao eh
kailin.: hahahha
sukie: cos mybody prefer xi gua


sukie: wa seh
sukie: u curse me
sukie: later i release my penguin power
sukie: haha


sukie: cos i say i dun like tiger
sukie: he say my tiger come out liao
sukie: den i say i prefer penguin
kailin.: LOL
kialin.: OMG
kailin.: SUKIE
sukie: damm tired
sukie: cos juz return from hollywood
sukie: juz finished filiming happy feet
sukie: haha
sukie: fliming
kailin.: ROFL
kailin.: WTH
kailin.: OMG
kailin.: OMG
kailin.: OMG


and just before she left, she threaten to sue me and she said
sukie: can sue u until all ur feathers drop


our class peeps are getting more interesting. lol.

Monday, August 06, 2007

photos of the latest class outing.

wonderful people

wonderful people. wonderful candy floss.

wonderful people at a wonderful table with wonderful food and wonderful candy floss.

okay. blogger dont wish me to upload some of the other photos.

HAHAHAHHAHA. the hols are finally here. ohhh.. i will miss all my wonderful friends.

- simpsons, anyone?

Sunday, August 05, 2007


this show is really really damn power and sad.
i dropped more than 1 litres of tears.
seriously damn damn touching..
especially the last episode where he shouted out loud for AKI in Australia.
my tears just simply shot out.

- a pure and simple love that could filled the whole word

Saturday, August 04, 2007

slept at 12.30am and woke up at 3.30pm this afternoon.
what a nice sleep i had.
my dark rings become better already, face complexion become already, mood also become better already!

caught "Alone" yesterday with dtrm02.
the ghost looked damn disgusting.
ate at NYNY after that.
almost died at the esplanade as my head almost splittled into two.
thanks friends for giving up that seat to me.

gonna go watch my japan drama now!! FINALLY!

Friday, August 03, 2007

it's 4.28am right now!
i was halfway through editing the video, and my laptop hang!
and i dint manage to save my previous work.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

HAHAHA. it is finally over!!! HAHAHA

this period has been rather hectic for us. projects, projects and still more projects.
but thanks to the wonderful friends and groupmates i have, project meetings are always fun and filled with jokes as people take turns to get high. lol.

first, i must thank tong for treating us the super delicious blueberry cheese tarts today and hope his hand will have a fast recovery.
second, i really love my TBR group and i must thank all my TBRmates for trying to help me out by distracting haole and dropping me the hint. thanks so much TBRmates!! and ohh. i will really miss my TBR group, especially all those craps. ohhh. lol.

pictures taken using my webcam these few days.

my wonderful groupmates!!
goodbye forever, TBR.
- recharged

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

yesterday was the end of our RWPS career and today was the end of our MICE career!

the sapphire pavilion which is now in one of the dustbins in SP
in the hall

bouncy castle
sapphire pavilion

Team CEInO
it's 3.05am right now. i just completed my TBR report a couple of minutes ago, and decided to take a small break. lol. gonna start on BLAW later. it seems like tonight gonna be another sleepless night. waking up at 7 tml.
- hectic week