Monday, November 26, 2007


this week's crazy schedule

tuesday: HS presentation + GBE project overnight
wednesday: formal day + UCCD project after school + dinner with old friends?
thursday: formal day + GOM project
friday: GBE project
saturday/sunday: UCCD project

my god my god. i can feel the stress piling up already.
no, i must welcome this challenge with open arms.
i must stay cheerful and happy.
i will get past this.
i must stock up my sour plum supplies. HAHAHA.

everything will be alright, wouldnt it?

Sunday, November 25, 2007

THE WONDERFUL WINE APPRECIATION WORKSHOP a white among the reds. hahahaha. jk.
nice class photo.
can you spot the guan gongs? lol
and lastly, why is mr congrad standing so far?

just shut up and get lost.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

cheer up and hang on, my friend. =)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

we had wine appreciation workshop today after school and it was damn damn fun. besides learning and getting to taste the different types of wines, we even get to high together as a wine appreciation workshop turns students into drunkards. hahahaha. shall post the pictures after i get them from rachael.

after that, the 3 of us, having a splitting headache, made our way to the main library. even a normal trip to the main library can be that interesting. MJ was super quiet and rachael was super noisy. hahahahaha. i am super angelic. okay. kidding. so after we reached there, walked up walked down the library abit and went home already.

went to Lot 1 to meet up with yujia and tingting. my god. their As are finally over! and they are like super free lah, while i am here slogging away with projects. how can this be?!?! caught up with them a bit and after 2 hours, we left as i couldnt stay out too late. sorry guys. meet up again soon okay?

finally, two presentations down - TTP yesterday and SQ today. screwed up a bit on SQ as my speech didnt tally with my slides. nevermind, shall just treat it as a lesson learnt.

okay. gonna go continue with my GOM project already. tata!

the person that may appear jovial to you like just any other ordinary day, but is that really what the person is feeling....?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

wooo. i am so screwed.

tml i will be going to malaysia for 1 day with my family and grandparents for temple visits. it's good in the way that at least it helps me to temporarily escape from all these overpiling projects.

but when i come back, i will be dead meat already.
tml will be a long day and i bet tml night aint any better.

i just realised something yesterday. sleeping, which was supposed to be very enjoyable, has now become a crime for me. last night, i went to sleep at 10pm and i only woke up at 6 plus this morning. and the worst thing is, when i woke up, i immediately felt so sinful. lol.


i never did any projects and i went to sleep.
i never complete anything and i went to sleep.
and i slept for so long.
i miss my last episode of ghost whisperer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMGOMG. my ghost whisperer. -.-

haiz. okay. gonna go rest already. needa wake up at 4 plus.

MY GHOST WHISPERER!!!!!!!!!!!! (*&$*(@#&$@*(#$&

Thursday, November 15, 2007

the results of having not having enough sleep daily.
my face still looked sad even though i was smiling.
TTP project group. i think kristina got influenced by us already. today she was high for awhile during meeting. hahaha.

the work of my dear friend, MJ.
a lesson learnt today: it wont hurt to just reply a message right.

Monday, November 12, 2007

heroes unrevealed.

sign 1: a living bird became a dead bird within seconds.
about a month ago, me and sukie witnessed a bird being ramped over by a vehicle. the bird was like just hopping in front of us a few minutes ago and within seconds, the bird had hopped on to the road. hop hop hop, it goes and flip flap! the bird was dead. a vehicle had just ran over the bird. the skin was ripped from its body and its red flesh was exposed.

sign 2: a cat dead.
a week ago, on monday, as the both of us were walking back to SB block after our gems, we saw this dead cat lying on the grass. it was super stiff and like literally "frozen", with all of its four legs facing up. it was quite a disgusting sight. and there were like many many houseflies flying above it.

sign 3: a girl fainted.
just now, as the both of us, again, were alighting from the mrt at jurongeast, a girl fainted someway behind us. a young man and an old man struggled to help her up, but to no avail. she was unconscious. her legs were wobbly and her whole body was soft. luckily, a kind soul appeared out of nowhere and helped them. together, they carried the girl away.

sign 4: project fate.
and this semester, we happened to be in the same group for almost all of the projects. all by chance.

is this our destiny or what? by showing us all these, are they trying to tell us that we are meant to save the world? perhaps, i am spiderman's sister and sukie is superman's sister? are we really who we are?

HAHAHAHA. okay. i think i watched too much heroes already. but its true that we encountered so these unfortunate events la. bird dead, cat dead, girl fainted. what's next?

ohhh. kelly koh's: a series of unfortunate events. -.-


stayover for project. it was fun doing project with them, though its tiring. had fun laughing and crapping away, listening to ghost stories and projecting throughout the night. =) wish i could have more of these stayovers. but given my dad's strictness, it would be pretty hard to be granted the permission to be able to stayover again. sad.


reached home at around 10am. studied a bit of ISB and went out to celebrate my mom's birthday. we had fish and co for dinner. darn nice. after that, accompanied her shopped a bit before going home to study. couldnt tahan and fell asleep at 12 plus. lol.


back to school once more. had gems test in the morning, followed by UCCD lecture which was quite interesting. haha. after that, we attended some lifesaving workshop, where they taught us some theory on CPR. will be attending the practical training this saturday. dozed off during GBE as mr andrew grey talked about china. projected after school. TTP project is fun. haha.

to do list for today:

TTP tutorial
TTP project
HS project

the owner of the receipt

Thursday, November 08, 2007

tonight will be another long night.
damnit. there's tons of projects, yet i am here, still blogging and skiving away.

this week
wednesday: HS
thursday: TTP
friday: HS
saturday: TTP
sunday: GOM
monday: ISB quiz

the sense of achievement that you will receive, after everything is over, will make you feel that everything that you are doing now is worth it.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

i was chatting with my friend just now and i realised that sometimes i really dont know what i want. last time, when i was still working part-time at ThaiExpress, i complained of having not enough time and rest. now, when i dont have any job, i complained that my life is not fulfilling and interesting enough. lol. humans. keep complaining and taking things for granted.

there's so many projects on hand.

Service Quality.
Travel and Tourism Practices.
Understanding Cross Cultural Diversity.
Global Business Environment.
Gaming Operations Management.
Hotel Security.
Is Seeing Believing. (almost forgot about this)
gems quiz next week.

my timetable for this week is packed.. but i like. hahaha. si bian tai. sorry.
okay. time to start on projects. =)

haha. cousin. what's with the face!

finally, 18!

moving out of your comfort zone and challenging yourself to things that you have never experienced before might not be a bad thing after all.

gom = die/craps = i die.

i only skimmed through roulette part.
and woof, roulette came out.
20marks. byebye.

you may have a lot of friends,
but how many of them are really your true friends?

Saturday, November 03, 2007

3rd of November. i just realised how quickly time flies. it seems like it was just only yesterday when school reopened for semester two. but now, another 58 more days and it would be year 2008 - a whole semester of attachment and followed by my last semester in singapore polytechnic.

this morning, i accompanied my dad and sis to the market. we had lunch at some hawker centre. it's been a long time since our family ate together, though my mom was missing.. reached home and started studying. GOM and TTP mst next week. die. i only started studying today. obviously, i have been slacking for the past few days. read abit before running off to watch Fu Man Ren Jian at4.30pm. hahaha. i dont know how the word "die" is written. sorry. direct transalation from chinese. want test already still dont study. after that, bathed and ate dinner, walked around the house a bit then POOP! 12am already. HAHAHA. i dont know where all the time went to. i would really have prefer to have that job. at least, there's something to keep me going and telling me to spend my time wisely and not slacking it away. but too bad, the job's timing was abit heavy. if not for projects, i would have jumped at the offer already. lol. opportunity cost.

okay. gonna go catch some sleep first. tml then continue the war with slots and aeroplanes. nite.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

i welcome you with open arms to the official 18 club. haha.
and may you have a smooth and wonderful 18th year ahead!! stay happy. :)

These few days have been rather tiring. busy tuitioning. busy running around. hahahaha. i am finally done with tuition!!! my kid's final year exams ended today. yesterday was my last lesson with her. now, i am just waiting for her to get her results back. ahhaha. kailin is now a free bird at last. yes. freedoom.

yesterday, i went to meet some of my classmates after tuition to celebrate MJ's birthday. haha. i bought a cake at taka and wanted to surprise her at cine where they were having dinner. but, coincidentally, me and MJ met at the entrance. -.-. but nvm, yesterday was still fun.. sorry that i had to leave early. haha. =)

this morning, i woke up at a bloody early time - 9am. hahaha. my sis had to drag me off my bed. i promised her that i would go swimming with her today. so at 9.30am, i rolled off my bed, packed my stuffs and off we go. we paddled and swam around the pool and my sis taught me breaststroke. what a disgrace. i thought usually the older siblings will be the ones teaching the younger siblings how to swim. hahaha. but, apparently, for my case, it wasnt so. but at least i still know how to swim a bit lah. finally, after drinking some poolwater and drowning abit, i managed to master some of the breaststroke skill. woot. what an achievement. sorry. chionged off to causeway's library to find HS books but i cant find a single one of them. all of them were being taken away by other people already. after that, loitered in causeway awhile before going home.

finally i did my SQ and ISB elearning. now i am left with only UCCD's essay. hahaha. okay. shall update another time. gonna go clear my table already. recently, i found lots of ants crawling all over my table. damn disgusting and irritating. gonna da kai sha jie already. byebye.

-do not fear uncertainty. go for it.