Monday, March 31, 2008

this is depressing, but i wont be affected that easily.
continue to stand strong and be brave and
overcome all obstacles that come your way.
you can do it!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

i like to wake up early on sunday mornings, feel the sunrays pouring through my window, sip on a glass of milk and munch on my tuna bread while watching the tv. i am contented to spend my sunday mornings this way, though it might be nothing much. hoho.

3 years ago, we were sitting down in the same classroom, listening to mr seow's biology lectures and 3 years later, pinghan will be the one conducting health checks on my eyes! whoah. we have all grown up now, havent we. continue to jiayou, ph! :D

what's grades compared to work experiences and skills when you venture into the society in the near future?

and ohhh. my aunt asked me to teach my cousin on his oral!

anyway, i seriously want to go to australia lehzxzxzx. this post is so random.

Friday, March 28, 2008

hello blog. it has been a long time since i come here. well, work has been rather tiring and i was pretty busy over the past few days too.



you may thought that i forgot your birthday, but i dint okay. hahah. i hope you like the surprise that we had for you. :D and dont ever doubt us again okay. haha. :D many blesses & wishes for the 19th year ahead, love!


this was one of a hell hectic day for me. work is like interminable. i seriously worked from 8.15am to 6.00pm, without sparing any time for eating snake. ohhh. yanni was dying at her department too. and we attended this stress-free health talk, proudly brought to us by the HR department. haha. the talk is alright and the lunch provided wasnt that bad too. :D the night was spent at plazasing's gelare and some hongkong eatery with yujia and tingting for her belated birthday celebration. thumbs up for the hongkong eatery and the oreo cheesecake. =)


work was, again, hectic, but fulfilling. i am learning more and more things each day! dinner was spent at marinasquare's HK cafe. we ordered some veggie, soft shell crab, prawn toast, avocado drinks and some noodles. personally, i feel that their food tasted way better than ThaiExpress's. their tofu is so much fresher and their prawns are more succulent and jucier than those in ThaiExpress's. and their avocado snows are really really nice too. :D


today's lunch was great as i had T1's staff canteen's hokkien mee. =) i like their hokkien mee a lot, even though they only gave me 1 prawn. haha. i stayed till 6 again for work. night was spent at westmall for a simple dinner with friend. =) and ohhh. we took some photos in the office too! :D allow me to proudly present to you - the lives of JETSTARIANS INTERNS. =))

welcome to JETSTAR ASIA. =))

JETSTAR ASIA is filled with happy man and women and of course, happy interns like us! even though work is stressful and hectic, msn and constant jokes still brighten everyone's mood up. friends help one another out while colleagues often tease each other.

the finance and HR intern :D
the head of scanner department and the head of pantry department (LOL) we love to bully her!
and, time for ahmoy's every friday surprises!

this time round, it's barley drink ! the pantry room's asset #1.
the HR intern showing off asset#2 of the well-loved room.

enough of the pantry room. let's take a walk down to the HR intern's desk.
this is sohyanni, who is otherwise known as the kopitiam girl, the peasant, ms colorful or ms ni. let's take a peek at one of the pages of her logbook. this ugly and super round primary schoolkid drawing-like plane got her a good grade! lol.
and looking up, this is the scene that ms ni is seeing everyday! poor jacelyn. hahaha. let's walk over to her desk.
the first stop: jacie's minimart (there's no service charge and everything is free. =)) the second stop: her boxes and boxes of work. hahah.

the third stop: skipped over her and looked at her adjacent table.

my work.
part 2 to be continued later.

kailin is super tired already.
oyasuminaisai peeps!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

today was another enjoyable day at work because i had quite a number of stuffs to do! :D we had fish&co at T2 for lunch. wowow. not bad, huh. we really do know how to enjoy life. hahaha. their service is really power too. followed by marble cheesecake + iced earl grey tea from secret receipe's after work with jacelyn. =) reached home and went running to burn off all those calories inside me. eeks. tomorrow will be a very busy day for me - invoices + filing + PSC + manifests. and with the new HR head and SKN coming back to work, i guess i wont have that much of the freedom to msn anymore. hahaha.

the new trend of eating fish&co - the focus of the unglam pic is not at my face, but rather at the position of the handle of the pan. try this method the next time you are there. =)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

i am at my ah ma house again! seriously, i do think that making mistakes are okay. after all, we are all humans. but once you make them, remember them for life and avoid making the same mistakes again. they help you learn. if you never make those mistakes, you might not have learn the right way of correcting them after all. i make mistakes. sometimes, they make me fall and never climb up again. but, looking back, if i never make them, i would never had know what is the correct way of solving them. i will tend to use this way to console myself whenever i do something wrong. sometimes, it does help, but sometimes it doesnt. i will still feel bad and guilty after everything. but eventually, i believe that they will help me to become better and stronger. ahhh. bullshit. later if i make any mistakes, i sure emo again. haha.

"if there is no wrong, then nothing will be right." by rachael tan, the smelly; the great.

i wanted to bathe, wait for my hair to dry and go off to sleep but i've got the sudden urge to blog my thoughts. lol. this shall be a very long long entry i think.

and so, we met up at geylang as confirmed. :D and hell, we spent nearly 2 hours walking from lorongs to lorongs just to find that bloody eatery. the last time we were there during chalet, we spent about an hour looking for it lah. it was darn tiring leh. i bet we have now memorized all the hotel names and know geylang area in and out already, right tong and leann. YOU JI arh. hhaha. after which, we met up with the smelly rachael from jurongbirdpark. =)) lol. just kidding horh. catching up was wonderful as experiences at the various working places were shared, not forgetting a few gossips here and there. haha.

yes, i still find working in airport a joy even though my work is mundane. sometimes i can still find small joys in doing them lerh. if they give me stuffs to file, i will try to look through them and pick up things as i go along. if they pass me data entry, i will do the same too. but i will still try to do my work fast okay. haha. i dint take my own sweet time. and not forgetting the storeroom! sometimes, they will send me there to file more stuffs or retrieve documents. initially i found the task to be rather crap and boring, but i have known better. the storeroom is quite a nice place actually, especially since you have the whole room to yourself. :D you can dance, sing, sleep or roar or even sneak in your mp3 and tidbits and nobody will know. hahaha. normally, i would leave the door to the storeroom open, and take my time to look through some of the documents while filing them since they have said that i can take my time to file. but now, i seldom got the chance to do long filing in the storeroom already. these two weeks, i've finally learnt how to navigate the navision. i was offered the chance to try posting invoices into the system, navigating around and looking for information like transaction number, cheque number, transaction details, list of vendors and their specific transactions.

so basically, i've only learnt the various costs incurred when flying a plane like the costs of aerobridges, fuel, landing costs, concession, overnight cleaning charges, overtime charges, commission of travel agencies, the various passengers on board the flights everyday and their ticket costs respectively and blahblahblah. sometimes i would console myself by saying that i am learning everyday, and it's just that my learning process is slower as compared to the rest. :D a B to her might have considered a very excellent grade already. so i must not be greedy. but i still hope that i can pull up my GPA larh! after hearing tong's stories, i find working in hotels aint really that bad too bah. perhaps, it's the nice colleagues he have met so far and the stuffs that he is learning makes me say that. i want to try working at the front office too! maybe i shall apply for that job after my internship at jetstar worh. i want to gain as many experiences as possible. i think we have all grown up in one way or another already, during attachment. the more matured and capable us. haha. but still we have our own childish sides larh. :D

anyway, i heard this saying before - if you want to find a life partner, find someone whom you can really talk and chat with. this will come in really useful when the both of your are getting on with age. it's really true lerh. that's what i think. when you are old and your children have all left your side and went to live a world of their own, who is there by your side other than your the other half?? when i am old, i would want to travel around the world with my old partner. haaha. random again.

alright. time to sleep. whoah. this is a really super super long entry regarding my thoughts.

Friday, March 21, 2008

thanks again, for the breakfast - part 2!!

life at jetstar has been pretty okay. monday pinks; tuesday screams; wednesday bees; thursday joys. jacelyn is forever busy. yanni's work is taking the trend of coming in at 3.30pm. my work is forever coming in at noons only. i have master the basics for the finance database - navision. jokes are still abundant and funny like crazy - the rythmic knocking + alien james + jean's milo + fisherman looking for miss ni + kopitiam + msn + eccles and adam. =)))) ah moy still has her little surprises for us every morning, scaring me out of the corners of my table. life without cindy by my side is quite surprisingly relaxed, cause no one will be there, sitting beside me and noticing my every little movements. jean started to crack jokes which were quite funny too. lunch is still as great as ever. the work i did was quite relaxing and not time-consuming, and thus i had nothing to do every now and then. but i did approached them and asked for work okay. i dint ask to be slack leh. lol. just ranting. at least i've learnt how to post invoices, look for transaction account number and invoices number, prepare PSC documents and update the bank interest.

i want to learn cantonese! i want to master my basics for Japanese! meeting up with friends at geylang tml! woot. hahahahaha. today was quite a nice day. =)))

"everybody has to say goodbye. until then, i want to fill your days with smiles."

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

today was a very busy day. yanni couldnt breathe and was swearing away. LOL. jacelyn as usual was in her own planet. i turned oblivious to my surroundings.

failures are there to make you learn and aid you in your process towards success. =)

some singaporeans are really kiasu. when the trains haven even come to a stop, they are standing right in front of the place where the doors are supposed to be already. once the doors start opening, they will chiong in like they never see seats before, bumping and knocking into those passengers who intend to alight, without a word of apology. damn polite and courteous lah. on this particular morning, this lady kena bumped and she shouted at the kiasu guy without giving him any face. power. and, this morning, when i was just about to take the empty seat in front of me, this random auntie from nowhere zoomed and appeared and chopped my seat, leaving me to stare at the seat which was empty just a split second ago. aiya. random incidents i encountered during my long morning train rides.

sleeping time!!

brush the pain away with a smile.

Monday, March 17, 2008


work was rather slack today, and it felt super sinful to be slacking there. but i seriously have nothing to do. i've already asked around and offered help to them. but guess i am afterall an intern. they cant possibly give me things that rely on me too much or give me their stuffs to do right.

that was a huge mistake. fucking huge mistake.

i give up.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

this is my table. it's big but quite empty. haha.

today is friday - both sayeeda and lydia's last day at jetstar. they sort of threw a mini farewell party for sayeeda in the morning and it was quite teary. haha. i spent my whole morning doing nothing at jetstar. i practically slacked all the way from 8.30am to 2pm. haha. i only did some filings and that's all. i had nothing to do lah. but work started coming in at 2.30pm, after lunch. josephine taught me how to post the invoices into the navision system and i got really stressed out while doing so. the deadline given to me was either by 5.30pm or by monday morning and i had to be damn careful when keying in the codes and money and stuffs. =( it was my turn to be sucked into the computer already.

at night, i met up with my very cute friend at clarke quay. she introduced me to this japanese restaurant which serves very nice ramen and treated me to gelato ice-cream. we had a nice time talking by the river again and during dinner. =)) sorry for the miscommunication last night and thanks for being there once again, to take over the clear-headed role in my mind. lol. it's kind of cool that everyone has their own life to lead now. let's have more meet-ups can. i miss those times niaoing, saying and listening to stupid jokes. i miss those laughters and bullyings. i miss those niao days. haha.
looking up at the starry sky and breathing in the cool fresh air.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

factory donuts? look again.
lol. it's from indonesia i think. and it is equally nice. =)
food, all the way from macau and ziplocked bag from admiralty. lol.
open office concept =)
our tables are at the other end of the room.

that's lydia's head by the way. she's leaving tml already!
i dont want jacelyn to sit beside me. LOL.

when i reached the airport this morning, the temperature reading was 21.8 degree celscius. it was freaking cold lah. it has been raining non-stop for the past few days. i realised that my day at jetstar is rather typical.

8.15am: reached; go toilet; come back; sit down; drink coffee; log in msn.
8.30am to 9.30am: look around the office; pretending to do something but in fact there's nothing for me to do; minesweeping.
9.30am to 11.30am: work starts coming in.
11.30am to 12.00pm: finished work; slack around; waiting for 12pm to come.
12.00pm to 1.30pm: lunch at terminal 1/2/3
1.30 pm to 2.15pm: slack around; look around again; waiting for work to come in.
2.15pm to 4.00pm: completed work; slack around again.
4.30pm: work comes in.
4.30pm to 5.30pm: trying to rush my work like a mad dog.
5.30pm tp 5.35pm: pack up and go home.

these two days, they have been giving me more of routine work already. so there's at least something i can do once i reached the office. i am actually glad for that. it beats slacking and looking around, doing nothing right.

joke: a sticker found above the switch in our cosy pantry room.

i cant believe that yanni actually innocently thinks that the man was using a needle to poke to switch in order to switch off the lights. omg. faints. haha. i dont know what era she is living in. lol.

it's easy to pick up, but hard to let go...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

what the hell am i thinking. i shall even stop worrying.

today was a freaking cold day. the office was really cold and yanni still came up with more jokes of what arms, ears and neck breaking into half and keeping them in the cupboard. lol. lydia is leaving on friday. sayeeda's leaving on friday too! she's the one who showed me around on the first day of my work lah, and she's leaving. =( ah moy's dessert is really unique and tastes nice! we had a tough time trying to guess whether those were barley seeds or snake eggs. i got really restless and tired during the afternoon. hmmm.

went over to westmall for dinner at subway's with yujia and shujuan. lol. it has been a really long time since i last saw shujuan, even though we stay in the same area. haha. she's still so funny la. =) talked about our secondary school days again and aww, it brought back quite a lot of memories, especially the period of time when jingyi and clement were sitting in front of us, during sec3. we could practically talk non-stop and it was disastrous, but it was very fun and crappy. haha. 4 elites and 1 nut. lol. jingyi spacing out and staring at the mango trees outside the window. clement and jingyi singing "one love". yujia and me rattering on like there's no tomorrow. tingting constantly on the draw. lol. i love my school days. i wonder when will i get the chance to wear a uniform and study in school again. haiz.

anyway, there's another new member being introduced into my family: mr.psp-felix. he came here a couple of weeks ago and i must thank my sis for lending him to me for the past few days. otherwise my mrt rides to changi would again be rather uninteresting. oh. and yesterday, that dumb sis of mine even won two trophies back home. she took part in some robotics competition and got some place in 1st runner up and some creativity position. wah. i am impressed. lol. she's dumb in a clever way after all. hahahahahahahaa. damn proud and happy for her lah. :D

jetstar photos tml! lazy to upload them today.

whistle while you work.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

to you: i really dint mean to hurt you. really. i dint want things to turn out this way.

remember the figures that dint tally? well, i reached jetstar half an hour earlier than my usual timing on monday morning to tabulate the figures again. and still, i couldnt get it. i was damn frustrated and called for help from another supervisor. she was really nice and patient and helped me with the calculation. all was right till we reached the last page, where we saw the damn mistake. the critical figure that added up to the ending sum was wrong in the first place. damnit man. but nevermind, another lesson learnt - open your eyes big and wide next time, kailin.

well, i still couldnt get hold of any pictures today, because i forgot all about it. we were too busy filing and sorting stuffs already. Ika assigned me a task today which requires me to do follow up till the end of this week!! boy, am i glad! at least there's something that i can look forward to everyday for work! hoho. yanni used up 2 bottles of glues today and it was quite funny to see how depressed she was, while she was working on the mcs. LOL. yanni, remember to msn often. dont invite jacelyn already. she has been out of the world for 3984723894 days. haha. and mr ecceles is really damn cute and good-looking. omgggg. auzzie pilots.

anyway, we got to know this colleague called lydia. she was actually an intern too, just that she is studying in the university of las vegas nevada. though she might be talkative, but she has a really good sense of humor!! hahaha. looking at the way how she made those sarcastic remarks, i must really salute her for her ability to express herself in such a funny way. and hearing all her those work she did at jetstar during the previous attachment really makes me cherish what i have now even more. lol. guess i will sort of miss her after she's gone on friday. there will be no more people sitting at the table beside me already and no more sarcastic remarks to listen to. lolol.

oh yah. i went to catch the movie 10,000 BC with yujia and company yesterday. i was really dead tired and my eye bags are like hanging around my neck already. the movie was nice, but the story plot wasnt really interesting. i am looking forward to Step Up 2 and Indiana Jones and some cute little machine movie.

and YAY! my mom finally decided to install cabletv. hahaha. i think my eyebags will reach the floor after some days already. cut fruits tml! and i must get my logbook signed!

to me: it's now, or never.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

my dearest friend just brought many smiles to my face. i have not been feeling okay for the past few nights. haha. i have no idea why. but that sms seriously just brightened up my gloomy days. hahahahahahaah. and, also, many thanks to tong for hearing my rubbish at msn. lol. i kind of miss bullying leann, niaoing at rachael, talking to meijun and laughing with yujia.

she does not like eating chocolate bars.
she likes snickers ice-cream. ice-cream can cheer up her.
she likes to eat desserts.
she tries to watch her sugar intake.
she watches her calories intake.
she chooses icelemontea over coke.
she chooses fish over chicken.
she chooses veggies over meat.
she takes all sort of veggies, except for grass and leaves of the trees that you normally found along the road.
she likes to eat fruits, especially honeydews.
she hates orange-flavored sweets.
she cant live without chilli.
she loves to drink soup, especially those from her ah ma's.
she misses her friends easily.
she is quiet.
she is not outspoken.
she hates heels.
she is smiling madly to herself again. hahahahahaha.

this time, they are truly down deep from the bottom of my heart. =))))))))))

alright, back to my finance work.

say bye to gloomy nights.

Friday, March 07, 2008

the week flew past just like that!

today's work was a bit random. hahaha. a moment ago, i was helping Accounts Revenue department, and a moment later, i am helping Accounts Payable department. i couldnt finish my task today. i started on the task at only 4.30pm. and i had to bring home to complete it cause the deadline is on monday. =( sad right. hahaha. and during the train ride home, leonard began scaring me by telling me the life of a typical person from finance. she will buy food back to the office to eat during lunch. she always stay back after work. and after work, she will still bring back some of the documents to do. so when you start to find yourself bringing your work back home, you are on the right track to being an accountant. shit.

anyway, both yanni and i agreed that even though our work is sian and not really interesting, working at Jetstar is really fun after all. MSN add colours and many super duper jokes to our dull working life. hahahaha.

warning: these are all private jokes so they might not be funny to you after all.

1. we have this super duper cute indian auntie working in our office. she helps us to clear the rubbish in our bins and is also some sort like the in charge of the pantry area. From cooking desserts on wednesdays to brewing herbal teas on fridays, she is like our "mom" in the office lah and likes to call us "moy". for example, if she sees me and yanni, she will go "moy ah, got herbal tea. later go drink ah." so yanni and i came up with the nick - "auntie moy". she's pretty cute and friendly okay. =) so anyway, her herbal tea is legendary. we heard about her legendary tea even before it is herbal friday. (mondays: cut fruits, wednesdays: desserts, fridays: herbal tea)

crap #1: today, our joker colleague, by the name of James, took a cup of herbal tea. he looked at it and said, "wah. this herbal tea ah." he took a sip and continued "wah. this herbal tea drink already can fly up." lolol.

crap #2: lenoard was scooping the herbal tea and he was like showing us what are the ingredients inside the pot. "you have this, this, this and dont know what this is," he said. and that joker yanni filled in the blanks for him by saying "snakes" and the scene of auntie moy, stirring a pot of snakes, brewing tea for us, is darn funny.

2. the food in changi terminals are reeeeaallly cheap. as in, it is super cheap. a cup of coffee costs only 40 cents while a plate of chicken rice only costs 2 bucks?! though they are cheap, their quality and standard are still there okay, just like the famous duck rice we had a couple of days ago.

crap#3: yanni and i was starving like mad. we always starved like mad in the mornings before lunch. my stomach will growl at 9am on the dot while yanni will start getting hungry at 11am. yanni once heard the loud growl on the stomach and that was quite embarrassing and funny. on this particular day, we were on our way to the foodcourt. jacelyn and leonard started talking about their job. they were from the same department you see. so yanni and i, being left out and starving, overheard them saying "Joe" and we immediately linked to the same thing - the uncle selling the duck rice must be called Joe. and we began laughing about the same stupid joke again.

"any extra ingredients?''
"oh. uncle joe, i want to add a whole duck."

crap #4: the hawaiian baked rice at terminal 2's foodcourt is super nice too! i had this during today's lunch. it tasted like some hawaiian pizza. so i was busy shoving the food into my mouth when i turned to yanni who was having her wonderful chicken rice and said, "the rice is seriously damn nice lah. i think the auntie is from hawaii." and we continued the joke later on msn. "the chicken rice also nice. i think the uncle at the chicken rice stall opens a chicken farm."

crap #5: lunch with lenoard and lydia is never a bore because lydia never fail to make some sarcastic remarks at lenoard. we were all joking about lenoard's age, saying something like he is perhaps some 3000 year old creature. leonard defended himself and lydia shot him, "then you think you what. 3 arh."

crap #6: yanni and her supervisor directly face each other when they use the com. so if yanni suddenly giggles, her supervisor will know that yanni is slacking. whenever yanni uses the msn, she tends to slouch to hide her giggles. this afternoon, when i was msning her, she was giggling like mad again and she slouched all the way down and i told her, "you might as well lie on the floor". she giggled even harder and asked me to go and die.

crap #7: yanni's colleague was calling someone and apparently called the wrong person. "i am looking for yati," she said. "huh? what dustbin?" the uncle ignorantly replied. LOL.

crap #8: mel is yanni's supervisor while serene is my supervisor and she smokes i think, because of the cigarette smell that lingers on her. i decided to change my msn nick to "Hi Mel. YANNY IS USING MSN." this afternoon to sabo her.

Queenie. says:
Queenie. says:
kailin. says:
kailin. says:
kailin. says:
Queenie. says:
Queenie. says:
Queenie. says:
Queenie. says:
Queenie. says:

okay. maybe these arent really funny. but i seriously do have fun at work. cause we have been like laughing non-stop, no matter where we are, and it makes work more enjoyable. yea. i love the working environment. =) photos on monday. hahaha. and, today a very very very super duper really good-looking angmoh pilot by the name of andrew ecceles came into the room!!!!!! tall, brown hair, big eyes. damn shuai! yanni was using a tissue to clean her saliva lah. haha. but too bad, he is quitting. nooooo.

shit. now i realised i cant access my work. i am dead meat. serene is going to kill me. god. save me. i dont want to go to work at 5 on a monday morning. =( how.

as long as you are happy.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

day 3!

last night i had a short conversation with tong and swissotel seems like a really nice place to work in too. hahaha. but i still prefer my airport. (:

i almost couldnt wake up today. i felt so darn tired even after my 6 hours of sleep. the storeroom in jetstar has already become like my second home. hahaha. yanni's second home would be the cupboards behind me. LOL. anyway, i went to the storeroom pretty often to sort out the files. though the room is dusty, it is still quite nice in there lah, in the sense that you can do your work at your own pace, in a small quiet room, with no one to disturb you, or you can stare into the space for like 5 minutes before you continue with your stuffs. lunch was at the canteen in terminal 1. the duck rice was super large in portion and made me skipped my dinner again. the joke about the additional servings created by yanni is memorable.

kailin: uncle, three sets of duck rice.
uncle: okay. any extra ingredients?
yanni: i want a duck.

after lunch, i went back to my work of keying in of data or in a nicer way, preparing of data. lol. anyway, i cant access the internet during office hours already. one of my colleagues told me that you can be tracked while using the internet. =.= wthhhh. i am back to the bad old days of having no msn. and one more thing, i love the place where i am sitting now. firstly, my computer faces the wall and i will not have much problem if i decide to visit the minesweeper one day. another reason would be that i get to hear the sounds of the planes taking off. it's quite nice actually. :D

anyway, this morning, when i alighted at changi mrt station, i was quite surprised to see a number of military guards and policemen in the station. the atmosphere was like a bit tensed. lol. they looked as if they were ready to kill anyone. i have not been reading the news for quite some time now. so what's the latest news about selamat?

my stand is still standing strong.


Tuesday, March 04, 2008

2nd day of work! and 98 more days to goooooo!!

today's work was again neither boring nor exciting. there was more filing to be done and more other adminstrative work. lunch at the recreational club was fabulous. the price was way cheaper than those you find in normal foodcourts and the ambience was damn good. i had this pineapple fried rice which was rather large in portion and lasted me all the way till now. =) the last hour of my work was spent stoning, doodling on my logbook and staring at my msn. hahaha.

even though the travelling time from my home to changi airport may be super long, i dont regret working there. terminal 1 is forever filled with passengers - passengers preparing to travel, passengers who had just alighted or passengers in transit. i find it a joy to be able to observe and look at them - looking at how happy they are, observing the way they behave, their sense of dressing, their style of talking, etc etc. you may find me weird or pervertic la. but i dont know. whenever i see happy passengers, it sort of brings a small tiny joy to me too. maybe because whenever i see them, they will sort of like remind me of the days when i am overseas as well - filled and bursting with excitement and curiosity.

the guys in the finance department are rather good too, especially sayeeda and ika. they are really friendly, nice and easy-going and took care of me. anyway, we got to know this ex-intern in jetstar called lennoard. i'm pretty glad that he was there too. he showed us around, mingled and joked with us and taught me quite a number of stuffs like what goes on in the OPS room, what is his job all about, etcetc. it's quite a pity that he will be leaving soon for ns, maybe around may. i will have one lesser person to talk to. =(

oh! another thing that is worth looking forward to is that occasionally, there will be pilots coming in and going out of the jetstar office! from angmohs to auzzies to singaporean pilots, they look so darn cool and smart in their uniforms la, especially the chief pilot. he looked super smart even without his pilot uniform. hohoho. yes. i must admit that some of them are pretty old already and have wrinkles all over, but nonetheless, they still have that little charm in them. :D

weird. i find it pretty hard to talk today. my tongue seems to be all twisted and screwed up and i couldnt even pronounce simple words properly. i'm scared that i will fall back into my own little quiet world. hahahaha. come on, kailin. dont be shy. exercise your mouth. speak more, talk more.

alright. updates tml! till then, smile!

try finding beauty in simplicity. it will add colors to the mundane life that you thought you are living in. =)

Monday, March 03, 2008


today was the first day of my attachment!

the scenes in the morning actually brought back a lot of memories for me - students carrying a handful of books and a large bag, waiting for their train or bus; students walking along the streets, listening to their ipods; students chasing after their buses, etc etc. 3 years ago, i was just like them too - clad in my swiss uniform and carrying some alien tenyearseries, waiting sleepily for the damn bus to come. time does really flies. arugh. i am starting to miss my secondary days again..

anyway, the first day of work wasnt really exciting or boring. i have a computer right in front of me, but i dont have an account to log on to the net!! no msn, no net. =( when we approached the HR in charge, i got the shock of my life when i saw the word "finance" beside my name. yes, apparently, i have been assigned to the department of my nightmare. omg. accounts, payroll, revenue, invoices and so on. OMG. the world just collasped on me. hahahha. jacelyn was sent to the department of my dreams - operations. lol. it seems fun to me lah - always on the go and the people in their department are like super friendly. hahaha. yanni on the other hand is in the HR department and, she is just a few seats away from me. =)

i was first assigned the task of keying in of some datas. after that, we left for lunch. the prices of the food there is still considered favorable okay. all thanks to the staff discount. hahaha. i came back to the office and finished up the data thingy and i was left to stoned. lol. there was nothing for me to do. that was when i decided to ask around and i was eventually assigned the task of punching and filing a stack of papers into the files in the storeroom. the storeroom is really dusty. and oh! did i mentioned that each of us have our own tables too? and their tables are really dusty as well. yanni's and my fingers turned black after using the keyboard. LOL. and poooooof! before we knew it, it was already 5.30pm and off we go. jacelyn did not say goodbye to me though. she seems to be in a rush. hahah.

i met up with yujia at night for some ice-cream at westmall's swensens. seriously, ice-cream can cheer one's mood up. thanks for coming out leh. hahah. =) we had a really good chat and caught up with one another again. i miss her sitting next to me in class. =( the usual copyings of homework, the usual dozing off in class, the jotting down of notes, laughing at how crumpled her worksheets are, wondering why her green pen seems to be always running out of ink and all those little stuffs.. hai. all those wonderful moments. yujia, come sit beside me at jetstar leh. hahaha. then i can laugh at you again. lol.

anyway, we got to know an intern and an ex-intern at jetstar too. friendly peeps. =) time to stock up some pens, pencils and papers for my table. today was really pathetic. when one of my colleagues asked me whether i had any stationary stationery with me, all i could reply was a pen. haha. my dark rings are getting darker already and my eye bags are getting heavier. i have been having problems sleeping lately. i wonder how are my other classmates doing, especially meijun! none of them seems to be online leh.

i need to get out of the past. i need to stop looking back. it is the future that i should be looking forward to.

painting my future.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

hmm. just finished my logbook stuffs. this would probably be the last post of chapter 983742893 of my life already. tml shall be a new beginning, a new start. =)

i really cant believe it. i cant believe that my internship will be starting tml already! 5 months of internship! guess i am feeling pretty both excited and nervous about it. after all, it will be a brand new experience and working environment. will i be able to cope? how will my new colleagues look like? what department would i be in? i shall ride through all storms and rubbish thrown at me and welcome challenges with open arms. yeah. easier said than done. =( but you can do it, kailin!

anyway, many many lucks to all my dear classmates out there! sentosa, jurong bird park, sunny holidays, giamsco, swissotel the stamford and wherever you may be! may you have a smooth-sailing, exciting and fun internship ahead!! and rock the company! sorry. i am having adrenaline rush. hahaha. let's still stay in contact okay? oh wait. no, maybe not for leann. hahaha. she is going to break my neck for bullying her that friday. hahahaha. you know i'm kidding. =)

time to sleep!

time will tell everything. =)

Saturday, March 01, 2008

while my grandma and my sis are laughing away at the shengtianxia show that is airing now on channel 8, i am sitting right in front of the laptop, surfing the net furiously. hahaha. i still find it pretty amazing that i can finally access the internet at my grandma house. =) it is literally like a heaven here - good food, good life.

i suddenly realised that i am starting to miss the times i had in school already. those laughters and stupid jokes that we shared, those train rides home with my friends and those endless chattings during lectures and maybe, even those times that we slogged day and night out for projects. yes, those times may be tough but i have to admit, they were still fun. i'm glad that we would still be able to have another 4 more months of school before we graduate from singapore polytechnic. time is flying lah. i think my stand will stand rather strong. in the meantime, i will still be on the way to explore myself. lol. sounds familiar eh, meijun? hoho.

anyway, to my dear friend out there, life is going to be great for you =) let's work hard and play hard. you know, i will always be a phone call or a river away. =)

bring it on.

Singapore's Glory
2008: Formula1
2009: Integrated Reosrts
2010: 2010 Youth Olympics

i'm glad my aunt applied for the starhub wireless plan. we just skyped with my cousin in china and it was pretty heart-warming to see how happy my grandparents were when they saw him. haha. they can now skype my cousin anytime they want to already. =) and, a moment ago, my aunt asked me not to work in changi airport, because of the recent escape made by the terrorist leader. lol.

okay. no mood to blog already. attachment in another 2 more days!