Monday, July 30, 2007

another 3 more hours to my wakeup time.
good luck to me for my gemstest.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

i am sooooooooo tired. my whole body like nua ki already..

next week
monday: gems test, RWPS report, MICE meeting before school, BLAW meeting after school
tuesday: MICE presentation
wednesday: ???
thursday: TBR report and Q&A, IHRO short meeting after school
friday: IHRO video + report

- the night is still young.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

ohh. i just woke up. i fell asleep in front of the computer. lol. this is my IHRO group. we looked so formal. gonna go slp alr. night.

Friday, July 27, 2007

today was a long long day.

BLAW tutorial.
FMAH lecture.
RWPS Report Editing.
Secret Receipe.
Sotong Sotong. JimJimJim. HehHehHeh. HeHeHe.

since i am abit free now, i shall entertain LeAnn - by writing down the ten weird things or habits or known facts about myself. lollol.

1. I am quiet in nature. lol.
2. I never once stepped into an arcade before, until i graduated from secondary 4, if i dint remember wrongly.
3. I have no idea where CityLink is until last year.
4. I am allergic to mango-related food, including mango sweets and mango syrups. dont ever try to tempt me with mangoes.
5. I tend to be very quiet in the presence of strangers. lol.
6. My parents are young. My mum is 38 while my dad is 40 this year.
7. I love the quietness of the nights/dawns. I remembered there was this time during Secondary 4, when i walked to swiss at around 5.50am in the morning. There were only a few cars on the streets and the morning air was really fresh and cooling. There were even several stars twinkling in the sky . It was damn nice lah. =)
8. I've got Japanese blood in me.
9. I DONT get high easily. lol.
10. I love my friends. hahaha.
11. I like blueberry cheese tarts.
12. I got small eyes.
13. I got a mianbaocaoren/round face.
14. I like to watch movies.
15. I dislike taking the lifts up to my home, which is on the 20th floor. I get paranoid. LOL
16. I am trying to not get emo easily.
17. I am currently watching the show "在世界中心呼喊爱". It's a must watch! sweet and sad.
18. I like to take very spicy food.
19. I prefer soup noodles rather than dry noodles or rice.
20. I DISLIKE fried mee, fried beehoon, fried rice and yellow mee.
21. I dont like to take sweet stuffs like chocolate bars and soft drinks.
22. I get shy very easily. lol.

hahah. i think i listed more than 10. and no, i wont be tagging anyone to do this. lol. alright. damn busy week ahead, with 5 projects and 1 test in hand - RWPS report, MICE presentation, GEMS test, TBR report, BLAW report and IHRO report cum video. all my weekends have been dedicated to projects ever since our last class outing at Sentosa. WOO! next week will be the last week of school already!!!!!!!!!! i can hardly wait. HAHA.

- =)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

went to watch "harry potter and the order of the phoenix" at causeway. omg. the blueberry cheese tart which i bought at the fairprice is really very NICE! lollol. very cheesylicious. harry 5 wasnt that good. the fighting scenes ended too fast and i thought sirius black's death was supposed to be damn sad. but, apparaently, i felt nothing. hahaha.
but i must praise miss chen yen yin's and laorong's acting skills. hahah.
- chen yen yin as dolores umbridge and laorong as bellatrix


kailin's self-declared 1day holiday. yesterday night was horrible . i was damn tired and moodless. the printer is spoilt. the monitor is spoilt and now the screen is showing everything in a yellowish colour. the computer was so slow that i waited 15 minutes to print something. i almost went crazy. couldnt wake up in the morning and ta-dah. here i am. alright. giving tuition later. i'm thinking of stopping the lessons already due to some reasons.

- 1 more week and it will be holidays already!!!!!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Question: what did the number 0 says to the number 8?
Answer: nice belt.
ROFFFLL. okay. not funny.

anyway, i was flipping through my childhood photos and i saw this. i am NAKED! we were trying to imitate "power rangers" back then. hahaha. we love running around the house half naked.

- 2 more weeks!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

YES! SHATEC practical training is finally over! i feel so broke already - from all that spending on the centerpiece and the mocktail. it was quite fun, i feel. i dont like our first group of customers. i smiled at the lady and the lady dao me back. lollol. but our last group of customers is really nice. they liked our theme and commented that our centerpiece was good. :)

went to Cineleisure to have our lunch before going over to laorong's house to do our MICE project. laorong's parents are really nice and friendly. so different from laorong. jk.

went to tong's house at night. happy birthday, tong! we drink, we drank, but i nodrunk. i dont wanna be murdered by my MICE and TBR projectmates today. managed to caught the train home with szegee.

the stress is getting lesser already. With IHRO practical test and MICE report done, i am now left with IHRO video & reports, TBR report, RWPS report, MICE presentation, GEMS test and lastly, BLAW project. oh yah, and semester exams are coming in less than 25 days. and after which, it would be our semester break already. hahaha. nice.

- pimplesoutbreak for dtrm02

Friday, July 20, 2007

IHRO project meeting after school!
SHATEC pratical training cum MICE project on saturday!
TBR cum MICE project meeting on Sunday!
TBR draft report by monday!

if i spent 1 hour using the desktop to edit MICE report, 30 minutes was spent on waiting time - waiting for the icons to pop out, waiting for it to switch its window, waiting for the pictures to appear, etc. yes. my desktop is that lag. and it never fail to make me feel sleepy everytime.

- i hope i would be able to catch my eyes if they suddenly popped out someday.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

though this teacher hasnt niao me yet, i think his attitude really sucks like hell.

he treats students like a piece of crap.
he demoralizes students and put our class down.
he doesnt respect students.
for the past and a half year, he didnt taught us anything.
he bullshits his way through lectures and tutorials.

he is the worst teacher i've ever met.

anyway, the school is trying to murder us. by giving us thousands of projects with the deadlines being damn near to each other.

week X

monday: RWPS report
tuesday: MICE presentation
thursday: TBR report + Q&A
friday: IHRO report + video


shall go complete my stuffs already.

- when people are stressed

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

i dont like this side of me.

there will always be a voice in my head, telling me what's right or what's wrong.

if my friend borrowed $100 from me and dint return, the outer kailin will chase after the person like a loanshark, pressing the person like crazy for the money. however, the inner kailin will just tell the outer kailin to shut up and swallow everything down. the inner kailin will then start to reason that perhaps the other party might be facing some diffficulties or perhaps that it is very very wrong to chase after someone for money or perhaps this or perhaps that. and the outer kailin will feel all guilty for chasing after someone for money and will forgo the loan.

okay. friends, i am not crazy alright, nor am i having split personality, nor am i drunk. nvm. i dont know how to put it across in words.

back to my projects again. oh yah. hao le niao me today!

- dont try and borrow money from me

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

today was an interesting day.

1. i dreamt that me, my dad and my sis were killed during a tsunami in Thailand.

2. MICE tutorial was shitty, i heard. i am glad that i skipped MICE in the morning. otherwise, it will be a total waste of time.

3. IHRO tutorial was "feedback" time. i still think it's kind of bullshit when she said some stuffs regarding the decoration of the tabletop. do you think some people, like xoxo, would really dont mind and still give you the marks if you dint decorate your tabletop? i can almost picture that person reaction in my head right now - "no creativity. bullshit. think out of the box. what crap are you giving me?"

4. we got back our IHRO paper. it's ridiculous. the way the questions are phrased. nevermind. it's over anyway. arugh. my cumulative GPA is going down down down.
lesson learnt: no matter how hard you study, once you intepret the question wrongly, that's it.

5. our projects are not done yet and we have around 27 days left to our semester exams.

okay. feeling lousy right now. my energy is running low nowadays. fell asleep right in front of the lappy yesterday night. i need a break!!!

- i need courage and confidence

Monday, July 16, 2007

i am dead tired right now.

fell asleep during fmah lecture. spent the whole day after school mixing and drinking all sorts of juices at my house with meijun and rachael, from 5 plus till a couple of minutes ago..

there's tuition tml after school. god. i am tired. shall go complete my mice stuffs alr.

- say it out loud

Sunday, July 15, 2007


i just had my bath and i realised that my msn messenger is down!!!!!! i tried downloading but it kept prompting me some error window. i tried ebuddy and it told me that either my email address or password is typed incorrectly. i cant disturb people online anymore! lol

this week was hell tiring. weekends are spent projecting non-stop. went to sentosa today again. spent the next half day projecting and part of the night hunting for my skirt and meijun's white top. me and meijun's mouth were like kiaking non-stop lah. even though we were tired, we still wanna continue talking. -.-

next week will be worst than hell.

monday: school starts at 8, IHRO project meeting after school
tuesday: TBR meeting at 9, tuition from 6pm - 8pm
wednesday: tutition from 2pm - 4pm
thursday: TBR meeting before school, MICE meeting after school?
friday: IHRO meeting after school?
saturday: SHATEC from 10am - 2pm, any meeting after that?
sunday: cant remember

lists of things to complete by tuesday
1. MICE stuffs
2. TBR stuffs

- hope my desktop can survive this ordeal

Friday, July 13, 2007

meijun took this while we were on our way to SHATEC. classic. lol.

i was browsing through my files and i saw this.
meijun's failed version of Fantastic 4
feeling alright alr. think too much liao. :)
- happy music

Thursday, July 12, 2007

i got back my tbr results.

and once again, i am disappointed with myself.

goodbye, my second overall A.

will blaw be the same?

- there's nothing worst than that

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

i dont have time to buy black skirt and court shoes!!

shatec training today was fun, i think. we learnt how to serve the guests from the moment they stepped into the restaurants, how to fold napkins into shapes like banana and bra, the correct way of setting the table in a fine dining restaurant, how to clear plates, how to serve, etc. it's quite different from ThaiExpress..

gems and tbr meeting tml!

- do you know what it feels like

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

okay. just reached home from school.

this week schedule
monday: tuition - ends at 5om
tuesday: school ends at 5pm
wednesday: shatec - ends at 5.30pm
thursday: tbr project meeting in the morning, school ends at 5pm
friday: ihro project meeting after school
saturday: tbr + tuition + ihro meeting *not yet confirmed
sunday: mice meeting
next monday: deadline of GEMS report

OH MY FREAKING GOD. stress. and this morning, i received my freaking result for MICE. 58/100!! it's super low. the lowest i have ever received in my 1 yr and 4 months of my poly life. with the help of my friends, i calculated and estimated the number of marks which i must get for this current project, in order to score an A for MICE. and it turned out that i must score around 120marks (over 100 marks) to touch an A. omg. with this, i am kissing my A goodbye already. now, i am just aiming for a super low B. 心灰意冷 already lah.

Monday, July 09, 2007

some of the pics taken during the Sentosa trip

omg. i am so stress right now. projects are piling up like crazy.

GEMS: next monday

MICE: next friday

RWPS: 26th July

IHRO: 3rd August

TBR: ???

TUTORIALS: everyday

- play, slack and relax

Sunday, July 08, 2007


a day to remember. went to Sentosa for our project and class outing. i got tanned! after that we went over to esplanade for dinner. caught the NDP rehearsal and the fireworks are super cool lah. the thing ended around 9 plus and went to drink with some of my classmates. quite fun and interesting. but i got abit drunk. went home around 11 plus. lost my sense of estimation and bumped my head in the mrt train. but on the way back, i recovered my consiousness and thank god, my parents dint find anything amiss. hahaha.

realised that i got freaking red after i reached home and had my bath. unevenly distributed red. haha. shall post the photos once my friends sent them to me.


woke up at 9am and realised that i am bursting with energy. bathed and meet our IHRO group at PlazaSing. we discussed quite a lot of stuffs. nice. went back home around 5pm. omg. my leg muscles are aching now and my neck is damn itchy. next week will be another busy week. tuition, shatec and project meetings.. best of luck.

- we should have more class outings. haha

Friday, July 06, 2007

instead of focusing on studies, completing my tutorials, revising my work, i am in the midst of watching 在世界中心呼喊爱. i am still at disc 3. it almost made me cried lah - the part where the guy broke down after his grandfather died and the part where the coach asked him to forget about her. touching.

the guy still could not forget about her after 17 years. he hoped that by burying himself in his work and keeping himself busy, he would eventually forget about her. one day, he finally collasped. during his stay in the hospital, he received a letter from his ex-teacher and decided to return to his hometown. and there, he relived all those wonderful days he had spent with her...




- why are there so many sad stories?

Thursday, July 05, 2007


that's what my friends told me. so maybe i should start pyschoing myself. but that is just escaping. i need to face the music. i dont know why i have so many problems with myself recently. i keep thinking negatively. maybe a good night sleep will solve everything.

- setbacks are just alternative routes to success

hahah. i am at home now while meijun and the others are in school attending TBR tutorial. okay. i ponned the second half of the day and there's nothing to be really so happy about..

sometimes i think my quietness can be quite scary for me. i dont know why i am sooooo quiet at times. i just dont know what to talk about. perhaps, it's just my character like what ting has said. but, sometimes i dont really like this side of me. i am too quiet. i wanna open up and talk too. but i dont know how. however, at home, i think i am a totally different person. i crapped i laugh i sing i lisiao my parents i do silly stuffs. maybe because i feel most comfortable at home.

after reading meijun's blog, i realised that i am also really glad that i have them around me. otherwise, i dont know what will become of me. my mouth will be damn smelly after the whole day has passed. cause i dint even open my mouth for once. okay. that's disgusting.

pirated version of Fantastic 4: Rise of Christine

- will we still be blogging when we are already some 80 plus ah peks or ah mas?

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

we had our SHATEC cooking demonstration today. the chef is super good. besides teaching us the theory, he even fed us with many food. it's damn delicious and superb lah, especially the fried-pan fish. NICE.
the SHATEC chef. cant see his face though.
and a few pictures taken during the last few days..
DTRM 02 in the lecture hall

along some road
on monday/tuesday morning

RWPS presentation tml. hopes everything goes smoothly.

- some things are better left unsaid

Monday, July 02, 2007

i am feeling a bit moody right now. lol.

okay. i am pretty glad i dint fail my FMAH. but i scored a B for my RWPS paper. it wasnt really up to my expectations. but what can i do? what's done is done. it cannot be undone. after RWPS, meijun told us that we are just 5 weeks away from our mid semester tests. that's quite shocking to me. i am not yet over the celebration mood and popped! another round of exams coming up. haha.

anyway, i think my tight schedule for these 2 weeks might been quite irritating for my projectmates. i cant meet on mondays and fridays as i have tuition, and wednesdays, together with one of the saturdays, are given to SHATEC. as for tuesdays and thursdays, our school ends at 5pm. arugh. i just hope i would be able to manage my time well for these two weeks.

- tml will be a better day.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

next week would be rather busy for me. i will be reaching home almost everyday after 5pm.

monday: school 8am to 2pm + tuition 3pm to 5pm
tuesday: school 10am to 3pm + gathering 6pm to ??
wednesday: school 9am to 1pm + shatec 1.30pm to 5.30pm
thursday: school 8am to 5pm
friday: school 10am to 1pm + tuition 3pm to 5pm

lol. it might appear "normal" to others though..

- monday blues

i went to watch TRANSFORMERS at causeway point with my family just now.

omg. i think the movie is very NICE!! the sound effects and the visual effects are super cool. the way the robots transform, the way they fight.. NICE! lol. especially the part where the gigantic robots tried to hide from Sam's parents. haha. so cute. but one disappointing thing is that, i dont understand the ending of the movie. miraculously, somehow someway, the bad robot died after sucking the cube and i dont know why. haha. after the movie, my friend smsed me and i told him about the ending and guess what are the reasons he gave me, for the death of the robot.

#1. the robot got older and died.
#2. the cube got virus.
#3. after he sucked the cube, he got indigestion.

WTH. power. he died of indigestion. -.-

okay. off to complete my stuffs already.

- bumble bee